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"And now that's why Jake's here. We're not secretly hooking-up. But secretly finding a way if i'm sick" That ends my long story for Eleanor.

"How long have you kept this?" she asked. "More than 3 months i guess. When Leila rushed me to the hospital the doctor was Jake's mom" here come's Eleanor's questions.

"How come we didn't know you were rushed to the hospital?" "I was at Lei's house that time. I told her and Mrs. Jones that don't tell it to anyone or the press and Jake was also visiting her mom that time. Me and Jake meet because he asks me if i'm okay and stuff and if there are results already. So yeah."

Hopefully Eleanor wouldn't tell. I sighed deeply and held her hand. "El, please don't tell anyone. As much as i love to tell them. But i don't want them to worry. Because i don't know what's wrong with me yet okay?" her face was like she really wants to tell because she really cares.

"I promise" i pulled her to a hug. "I love you so much" i whispered. She patted my back. "Anything for you" and Jake there was very quiet.

"Eleanor, i apologize for all the mishaps i've done to your best friend and i really care for her as a sister right now" Eleanor turned to Jake.

"Oh bob's your uncle. We're not americans. Get your lazy bum here and let me hug you for caring for my best friend" Jake chuckled and pulled Eleanor to a hug.

"Jake any news?" i asked. "My mom's expecting you this saturday" i sighed deeply and closed my eyes. "Harry's not leaving New York. But he said he has a meeting that day." hopefully he won't see me.

"You gotta tell Harry" Jake and Eleanor said in unison.

"I can't and i won't tell Harry yet until i found out the results" i demanded. They keep on telling me to tell Harry but i just can't. Him worrying is like worst than me being sick. And he's never gonna leave my side and he won't focus on his career.

"How's Steven?" Leila's brother. "He's fine. He's expecting a visit from you" like what Leila said.

"Steven is Leila's brother. Steven's on rehab because he attempted suicide because his girlfriend left her" poor Steven.

"He must really love her" i nodded. "Well, i have to go Jess, El. I'm meeting Roxanne"

"the post-it?!" me and Eleanor said in unison. "What are you guys saying?" Oh yeah. Jake doesn't know we call Roxanne the post-it. "El. Can you get my phone in my room?" i asked.

"Sure. Bye Jake" Eleanor hugged Jake and walked to my room. "Thank you so much Jake." i held both of his hands.

"Anything for you. And i'm sorry for the stupid things i've done to you" i smiled and nodded.

"Thank you and it's okay" i pulled him to a hug. "That was crazy have.." i heard the door opening. "Harry" i pulled away from the hug.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Harry walked furiously to Jake i went in front of Jake. "Harry it's not what you think" This is not good. Jake was just quiet.

"It's what i'm thinking. Your ex-boyfriend. In your hotel room, and hugging you!" he said furiously. "Harry cut the crap, Jake was visiting me." Eleanor walked out the room.

"Her mom's my mom's doctor and he brought the medicine's." I thank God for Eleanor. I crossed my arms in front of Harry and gave him a mad stare.

"I'm sorry, maybe i'm still not over with the past" Harry sounded. "It's okay. It was my fault anyways. Well, i have to go. Tell your mom to get well soon. You too Jess, take care" Jake waved and walked out of the room.

I looked at Harry. "You know that he was your ex" "And you should've asked first why is he here" i sounded. "I'm sorry" he sounded. I sighed deeply and placed my hands in his shoulders.

Finding the real you. (Harry Styles fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now