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"Hey that's Jessica right?" "Oh my gosh. I can't believe she's here" "And she's with Logan Lerman!" "What a bitch" "Ahh. It's Jessica Anderson!" Typical fan girls. But me? Being a bitch? Because me and Harry broke-up? They don't know what i feel.

"Jessica, just ignore them" Logan sounded. "Yeah Jessica, and it's been an hour in the concert and Harry hasn't still noticed you" Well of course. "his eyes are on Marissa" i said calmly. 

I can't hate Marissa. I can't accuse her of anything. She's sweet, pretty, and there's nothing to be hate about in her. Harry's not mine. Probably, God's giving me a sign that we are never meant for each other. But there's something about Marissa that i don't really like. I feel something not good about her.  

"Hey, we're on in thirty seconds. Jessica!" Louis' in the vip booth and held El's hand. What the? "They're trying something new. Gotta go Liam's meeting me at the other side" Danielle squished herself in the crowd. That's why Perrie moved first. "I missed you" Louis hugged me. "And you owe me an explanation later" Eleanor and Louis laughed.

"LOUIS BE MINE!" "nope he's mine. Sorry girls" Eleanor whispered. Harry appeared on the stage alone. "For the last song, this for all the girls who loved someone first and if you love someone, you'll never give up on them" Louis was staring at me and i frowned. Since when Harry? I glared at them because Marissa's at my side. 

And the song Loved you first played. All the girls shouted.  "Girl, it should be me, driving to your house, knocking on your door, and kissing you on the mouth" i see Zayn in the screen. Holding Perrie's hand.  

"Holding on your hand, dancing in the dark. 'Cause I was the only one. Who loved you from the start" Liam twirled Danielle around and kissed her cheek.

"But now when I see you with him it. Tears my world apart" Harry appeared from nowhere and held Marrisa's waist. Marissa kissed Harry's cheek. I heard a few girls boo. And i turned around so Harry won't notice me. Marissa was in the middle of me and Harry. Eleanor and Louis were just looking at me and i just glared at them. 

"Because, I’ve been waiting. All this time to finally say it. But now I see your heart’s been taken. And nothing could be worse. Baby, I loved you first"  Harry walked in front of Marissa and looked at her in the eyes. I feel like crying. I wanna cry. Don't cry please.

"Had my chances. Could've been where he is standing. That’s what hurts the most, girl, I came so close. But now you’ll never know. Baby, I loved you first" In a split second, Harry's eyes caught my teary-eyed one. Harry widened his eyes. 

"Girl, it should be me, calling on your phone, saying you’re the one and that I’ll never let you go" Harry's eyes never left mine.

Until Marissa pulled Harry's waist and stopped looking at me and back to her. "I never understood, what love was really like, but I felt it for the first time, looking in your eyes" That was supposed to be my eyes.

"But now when I see you with him, my whole world falls apart" 

"Because, I’ve been waiting. All this time to finally say it. But now I see your heart’s been taken. And nothing could be worse. Baby, I loved you first. Had my chances. Could've been where he is standing. That’s what hurts the most, girl, I came so close. But now you’ll never know. Baby, I loved you first" Logan held my hand. Louis and Eleanor looked at me so worried. 

"The first touch, The first kiss. First girl to make me feel like this. Heartbreak. It’s killing me, I loved you first, why can’t you see?" Zayn cupped Perrie's chin.  

"I’ve been waiting all this time to finally say it, But now I see your heart’s been taken. And nothing could be worse. Baby, I loved you first". 

Finding the real you. (Harry Styles fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now