What is even the point anymore?

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*This is you*

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*This is you*

It was like a normal monday morning.
Kate was getting dressed for school when she heard shouting downstairs. Not again she thought to herself. As she trudged down the stairs she stood and watched as her dad shouted at her mum about what a useless f*ckin idiot she is and how worthless she is. She couldnt listen to this anymore so she walked into the kitched and stood there.
"Morning sweetheart" her mum smiled at her sadly.
"Morning mum" she said looking at her dad angrily.
"What you lookin at you lil shit" he yelled as he kicked her hard and then slapped her across the face.
"Dad" she yelled in pain.
"Robert how could you hurt her" her mum cried.
"Shut your face or your next" he yelled. "Say a word to anyone and your dead" he spat as he walked out the front door slamming it behind him.
"Kate" her mum called out for her but tears were streaming down her face as she ran out the front door heading towards her school.

*Meanwhile at intelligence*

"What have we got" said Hank as he walked into the bullpen

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"What have we got" said Hank as he walked into the bullpen.
"Robert Morgan, aged 30" said Jay as he pointed to a picture on the board. "He is wanted on multiple charges of drug trafficking minors." "We know he has a wife called Louise and a daughter called Kate who is 16." "We also have reason to believe he is trafficking his daughter and that he is violent." "He lives on 1880 West Avenue"

*This is your dad*

"Jay, Hailey I want you to go and watch the house from afar and see if you notice any suspiscious activity, Kim, Adam I want you to look into all his account, text messages what ever you can find

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"Jay, Hailey I want you to go and watch the house from afar and see if you notice any suspiscious activity, Kim, Adam I want you to look into all his account, text messages what ever you can find." "Lets get this son of a bitch"
"Copy that sarge" they replied and got right to it.
Jay and Hailey went and got suited up and headed out. They parked up four houses down so it did'nt seem suspisous and waited as their was no one home as it was the middle of the day and everyone was at work or school.

Time Skip to 3.30 after school

Kate started walking home slowly when she looked up and saw her bullies walking towards her. "Great" she thought to herself.
"Oi Kate" Lucas shouted. And for no reason at all he punched her in the face and then the stomach and kicked her to the ground. He laughed in her face as he walked off with his mates. Kate just lay there emotionless as she had wanted to die for as long as she could remember. She eventually picked herself up and limped home as she was in severe pain but it wasnt something she wasnt used to.

"Jay look" Hailey pointed towards the camera.
"Is that Kate" he asked with a look of horror across his face.
"Yes" said Hailey sadly as they couldnt go out to help the young girl unless she was on deaths door so as not to blow their cover.
"What the hell happened to her" was all he could say.

As Kate walked upstairs she layed on her bed in agony and thought what was the point anymore. She put her headphones on and put on her favourite sad playlist. This was her favourite song from it as she related to it so much.

She listned and turned up the volume to try and drown out the pain she felt. Around 6.30 her friend texted her to say there was a party at Garys house and everyone was going. Would she come. She said she would and got up to get dressed oblivious to the pain now.

*Your new outfit*

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*Your new outfit*

She headed on out and Jay and Hailey watched her wondering where the hell she was going looking like that.
"Sarge the kid is dressed looking like she is going out for the night to some club and she was badly beaten up earlier we noticed." "Its dead round here do you want us to follow her?" Jay radioded through.

"Yeah" said Hank and they slowly followed her at a distance as not to alert her.

They watched as she walked into a raving house party. She walked over and found her friends out front drinking. She instantly started drinking shots after shots, glass after glass of wine and can after can of cider. She wanted to forget everything.
"Are we really gonna sit here and watch her drink herself to death" Jay yelled.
Hailey told him to calm down and if it got worse they would intervene. But what they saw next shocked them.

🔥Trigger Warning - Self Harm🔥

They watched as she walked over to a corner and got a blade out of her bag and started slicing her wrists. What they also didnt realise was that her drinks had been spiked.
The party was dead now as most people had gone home but what concerned them the most was they hadnt seem Kate move in a while.
"Ok" said Hailey. She radioded through to Voight. "Sarge the kid has gotten black out drunk badly and has just slit her wrists." "We are moving in."
"Ok make sure she is ok and get her to med." "I will let the team know."
Jay and Hailey got out of the van and ran towards Kate as they saw she was unconcious. Jay checked her pulse but he was shocked when he saw the amount of blood she had lost from her wrists. Her pulse was weak and she was still bleeding fast. Jay put pressure on her wounds as Hailey called for an ambulance.
"50-21 henry I need an ambulance at my location asap. "16 year attempted suicide, massive blood loss, unconscious and weak pulse. "Plain clothed officers on scene."
"Copy that 50-21 henry ambo is on route, eta 2 minutes out" said the control room.
Hailey was trying to wake her up but was having no luck. Where they to late??

 Where they to late??

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