Shit Hits The Fan

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Kate was having a nightmare about her dad abusing her as she eventually fell asleep after going through all the different hollyoaks scenerios in her head she could think of.

Kate woke up with a start and then realised it was just a nightmare. She got up and walked over to sit on her swinging chair to wait for her parents to come and get her. She just stared at the peaceful city sadly.

It was now around 9pm so the sky was dark and the city was lit up

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It was now around 9pm so the sky was dark and the city was lit up.

Meanwhile downstairs.....

"Jeez, its 9pm, shall we go and speak to her and see if she has calmed down and stopped having an attitude yet?" Asked Jay turning the TV off and standing up.
"Yeah" said Hailey as she followed Jay upstairs.

Shit thought Kate as she took a big gulp when she heard footsteps stop outside her door. She took a big breath and carried on looking out the window pretending she hadnt heard anything.

Jay unlocked Kates door and turned on her light but when he scanned the room for her he was met with quite a shock. Hailey gasped as she saw what Kate had done to just her hair let alone her face.

"KATE MORGAN STAND UP THIS INSTANT" screamed Jay as he had had enough by this point.

Here we go thought Kate as she stood up to face them but then wished she hadnt as she saw their faces turn even more shocked and disappointed.

"What have you done to yourself" said Hailey walking over and grabbing Kates shoulders to look her straight in the eyes. "Why would you do this after me and your dad told you no?

Jay was furiously staring at Kate as he awaited an answer.

"I wanted a change" Kate answered honestly as she shrugged Haileys hands off her shoulders. "You wouldnt let me so I thought I would do it myself."

Jay scoffed "and the outfit style?"

"I wanted to be more grown up and and a change in style" Kate said starting to become more angrily.

"Lose the tone with me right now young lady" Jay said sternly as he was having to refrain himself from badly losing his temper. "You have gone against what we said without good reason, and you will be punished for that" "No TV for 3 weeks, no phone or airpods for 3 weeks, no going out for 3 weeks and you have lost our trust so unless it is bed time your not allowed to be on your own either" Jay said shooting daggers at Kate.

"I actually agree with your father on this one, you didnt listen and now that trust bond between us is broken, you should be more mature about things like this for your age" "Im disappointed Kate" Hailey said shaking her head as she got Kates TV remote and cable, and her phone and airpods before standing next to Jay.

"Do you not have anything to say young lady?" Jay yelled.

"No, im glad I did it and I would do it again, I like it." Kate said a bit to abruptly as she saw she had just made her dad even more angry with her attitude.

"I cant even deal with you right now" Jay yelled. "Go to bed and think about what you have done and lose the attitude before the morning or you will make things worse for yourself and we will have a serious talk about all this in the morning" Jay continued to yell at her as he and Hailey left her room for the night slamming the door in the process. He didnt care about that rule right now as he was pissed.

Kate just lay there and thought well that wasnt as bad as she thought. She got up and got dressed into the shorted pair of pyjamas she could find as she was continuing her new style into the night and even though she knew it would make things worse in the morning she knew it would annoy her parents and at this point she didnt even care anymore.

 She got up and got dressed into the shorted pair of pyjamas she could find as she was continuing her new style into the night and even though she knew it would make things worse in the morning she knew it would annoy her parents and at this point...

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Kate just sat on her bed and then remembered she still had her ipod so she got it out and it was still charged. Yes she thought as she scrolled down to one of her favourite songs

She put the music on quietly so as not to alert her parents and sat back down on her bed and she pulled the duvet round her as she looked out into the peaceful night sky.

She put the music on quietly so as not to alert her parents and sat back down on her bed and she pulled the duvet round her as she looked out into the peaceful night sky

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What would happen in the morning she thought but that thought ended abruptly when she suddenly fell asleep. Kate was still tired from earlier so it was no surprise.


Jay was pacing up and down as Hailey poured them both a big glass of wine each. She then gently guided Jay to a chair to stop for a minute and have a drink.

"I just cant believe she would do something like this after we told her no" Jay took a sip of his wine almost spitting it out as he got more angry with each word that came out his mouth.

"I know babe but its done now and we cant change the past only the future, so lets finish our drinks and go to bed and look at the situation in the morning with a fresh head on" Hailey said gently before kissing her husband.

"Yeah your right" Jay said clearly still angry but he had calmed down a little bit.

The two of them finished their drinks and went up to bed wondering what the morning would hold with their delightful attitude of a daughter.

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