What do I do?

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Kate had gone to med the following day with Hailey and Tom and Nat confirmed the pregnancy and did an ultrasound. Nat then went to talk to Hailey outside before coming back in to tell Kate she was free to leave.

"Kate we need to talk when we get home ok" said Hailey as they started the short drive home.
"Ok" said Kate as she was to busy staring lovingly at her boyfriend and not really paying any attention to what Hailey was saying.

Hailey dropped Tom off at his house before heading back to their apartment. They got out the car and went upstairs and Kate went straight to her room.

About an hour later Hailey knocked on Kates door. "Can I come in Kate?"
"Sure" Kate looked up from her desk.
"Studying?" Hailey said as she walked in and sat on Kates bed.
Kate nodded "we have exams in a few weeks"
"Kate we need to talk about this pregnancy" Hailey began.
"What about it" Kate asked as she got up to sit in her hanging chair.
"Do you remember last year when you were really ill and werent eating and making yourself sick and you had to stay in the hospital a while" Hailey said looking at Kate sympathetically.
Kate just nodded.
"Well being pregnant you have to eat for two and maintain a healthy weight at all times not just for the baby but you as well." "I know you have been doing really well this past year but I want you to understand that there are significant risks in carrying on with this pregnancy, if you relapse not only might this baby die but you could also suffer badly as well" Hailey said as she got up to go give Kate a hug as she could see Kate beginning to cry. "We will support you no matter what though Kate"
"Im keeping this little one no matter what" Kate said through sniffles.
"Ok" said Hailey supportively as she gave her daughter a hug. "Shall we go out for pizza and celebrate" she smiled at Kate.
Kate grinned and nodded.
"Get changed and meet us downstairs in 5" Hailey said as she got up and went downstairs closing Kates bedroom door behind her.
Kate got up and picked out an outfit, she had been shopping earlier with Hailey. She slipped it on and looked at herself in the mirror.

 She slipped it on and looked at herself in the mirror

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Kate brushed her hair and walked downstairs. She locked the front door and got in the car where her parents were waiting for her.
"You look gorgeus honey" Hailey said as she turned round to look at her daughter.
Kate smiled as Jay started the car and they then began the longish journey to the pizza place.

6 Months Later....
Kate was now eight months pregnant. She had gotten in a routine that when she woke up she would walk to the district seeing as it was only 10 minutes away and spend the day there with Jay and Hailey. Kate had stopped college for the time being as it was to stressful.
Kate got out of bed and got dressed. She looked in the mirror and cradled her big bump.

 She looked in the mirror and cradled her big bump

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