You need help

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As morning came around Kate had already woken as she couldnt sleep and decided to get dressed.

As morning came around Kate had already woken as she couldnt sleep and decided to get dressed

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She walked into the kitchen and looked over at Jay who was asleep on the settee. She quietly opened the door and stepped outside as she needed some fresh air and time to think. She put her headphones in as she began to run and put on some of her saddest songs she could find.

As Kate was running tears poured down her face and she ended up at one of her friends houses looking to score.

As Jay woke he wandered upstairs to Hailey and kissed her head."Morning"
"Morning" said Hailey as she woke up abruptly. "Shall we get this over and done with?" Said Hailey as she got out of bed and got dressed.
"Yeah" said Jay sadly as they headed towards Kates room. As they opened the door they were shocked to see she wasnt there, they checked her bathroom. No sign of her there either. "Kate" they called out as they searched the house worriedly.
"Oh god Jay where is she" said Hailey as she started to panic.
"Calm down lets check the cameras" said Jay as he got his phone out.
"Good idea" said Hailey trying not to freak out.
"Great, shes gone" Jay said in worry and panic as the pair watched her leave through the front door over two hours ago. "Ill ping her phone, you get the car going" said Jay as he got set to work.
As they were in the car Kates location popped up.
"It said she is on 2678 milbrook drive and is stationary." Said Jay relieved as they now knew where she was.
🔥Trigger Warning - Attempted Suicide🔥

Kate had already gotten high and was just sat on her friends roof thinking what would happen if she jumped. She was in a world of her own and didnt even hear or see Jays truck pull up below.
"Oh god" shouted Hailey. "Look" She pointed to the roof where there was a pair of legs hanging down.
Jay and Hailey ran through the open house and climbed quietly through a window up on to the roof.
"Hey Kate" Hailey said quietly. Kate didnt respond. Hailey moved a bit closer. "Hey Kate" she said a bit louder this time. Still no response. Hailey put her hand on Kates shoulder gently but kept a tight grip so she didnt jump or fall as Jay held his breath as he stayed back as to not overwhelm Kate. Kate looked up and could see someone standing next to her. "Jay she is high" sighed Hailey.
"God dammit" said Jay. "Try and get her to talk if not your have to just pick her up and hope for the best." Jay sighed.
"Kate honey what did you take" Hailey asked gently still keeping a firm grip on her shoulder.
"Coke" Kate replied as tears started to fall down her face. "I just wanted to forget everything and then I wondered what it would be like if I jumped."
"Oh honey, come on, lets get you off this roof" said Hailey as she held out her other hand. Kate took it and Hailey grabbed onto her to make sure she didnt fall and they walked back over to the window. Jay could see Kate had been crying so he smiled at her sympathetically and helped Kate in and then Hailey. The three of them walked back to Jays truck and Hailey sat in the back with Kate as Jay drove home. They got out the car and went inside and Kate went to go straight into her room.
"Not so fast Kate" said Jay as he gently grabbed her jumper. "We needed to talk to you this morning and now we defintely need to talk." Jay said gently steering her into the living room as Hailey sat down, so did Jay and so did Kate reluctantly.
🔥Trigger Warning - Talk about suicide, self harm and eating disorders🔥

"Kate we are seriously worried about you" Hailey began. "You have lost a lot of weight, your making yourself sick, your not eating, your hurting yourself and you have tried to kill yourself." Hailey explained sadly. "We want to take you to med to get checked out" Hailey said looking at a sad Kate.
"No" said Kate. "Im fine."
"Kate it isnt really negotiable, your really ill" Jay stated. "If you wont come willingly we will have no choice as police officers to section you under section 135 of the mental health act as we believe you are a threat to yourself and need serious help, now as your parents thats the last thing we want to do but as police officers its the right thing to do" Jay explained looking at Kate in sadness.
"You wouldnt" said Kate looking up at Jay and Hailey angrily.
"Kate its for the best, you need help honey." Hailey said looking at her sympathetically.
Kate got up and went to walk out the room. Jay stood up and called after her. "Kate, I need an answer now" Jay said sternly as he knew he wouldnt get anywhere with her anymore so he had to try and scare her.
Hailey walked out and stood next to Jay. Kate just looked at them.
"Your not forcing me to do anything, im not ill, this is just my way of coping." Kate screamed and ran to her room to lock her door as she wanted to be alone. Unforntunately Jay and Hailey were faster and pushed the door open and held it open.
"Your leaving us with no choice" said Hailey looking at a sobbing Kate. She nodded at her husband.
"Kate Morgan you are being detained under section 135 of the mental health act" Jay stated looking at Kate who had fallen to the floor by that point. Hailey went to comfort her as Jay stood there feeling like the bad guy when he knew it was for the best.
"Come on hun, lets grab your stuff" said Hailey as she picked Kate off the floor still sobbing.
"Im gonna be sick" yelled Kate as she ran to the bathroom and was violently sick. Hailey and Jay rushed to be by her side as she was getting more unwell by the minute.
Jay picked Kate up and carried her out to the car as Kate couldnt stand by this point. Hailey grabbed some of Kates things to comfort her and went and jumped in the backseat with Kate as Jay started driving to the hospital. Hailey decided to give Kate her headphones as it bought her comfort and she calmed down at the sound of music. Kate silently put them in and blared out more depressing songs to try and drown out how she was feeling. Now she knew it was going to be a long night, a very long night.

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