Lets take her in

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"Lets take her in" Jay suddenly blurted out.
"What" said Hailey unsure of what to say.
"She has no one, she needs stability and rehab and she needs to feel like someones cares and that she has a home and we can give her that." Jay explained.
"I dont know it would be a lot of responsibility." Said Hailey sighing.
"Someone needs to stick up for this kid and at the same time she can help us take down her dad" Jay said still looking at Kate.
"So let me get this straight, we are taking her in and making her help us take down her abusive drug trafficking father" Hailey looked at Jay questionigly.
"Not make, we would convince her but yeah." Said Jay.
"Alright, I can see you want to help her and so do I so lets give it a go." "We are not telling her until we get approved though Jay" said Hailey.
"Thanks, I know." "Ill call Hank and you call DCFS and let them know whats going on" said Jay rushing off with his phone.
"Copy" said Hailey as she walked off the other way.
DCFS said they needed to childproof the place, stock their cuboards, made sure she has her own room thats suitable, make sure they take her to therapy every week, watch out for signs of relapse and made sure she was never left somewhere on her own. They said they could do that and got to work. Hank agreed they could take her so all was good.

2 days later

Kate was now ready to go.
"Hey Kate" said Jay as he and Hailey walked into her room.
"Hey guys, what are you doing here, am I still under arrest?" She asked worriedly.
"No, no, no not at all" Hailey smiled.
"How would you feel about coming home to live with us" asked Jay watching her face.
"I would love to" Kate smiled. But what she was thinking was oh shit how am I going to get high now.
"Great lets get going kiddo" they said and walked out of the hospital and jumped in Jays truck.

"Great lets get going kiddo" they said and walked out of the hospital and jumped in Jays truck

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This is your new outfit

As they arrived at Jays house they got out the truck and walked in.
"Welcome home Kate" he said.
Home was something she hadnt felt in years. Kate smiled at him as he and Hailey showed her around the appartment and then showed her her room.
"I love it" she smiled.
"Now we do have something to talk about so come through to the lounge when you are ready" he said as he and Hailey left her room to let her unpack.
Shit she thought to herself as she no longer had access to alcohol and was living in two cops house now and put her headphones in as she began to unpack her clothes. Suddenly one of her favourite songs came on.

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