Will she make it?

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The ambulance arrived at the hospital in less then 5 minutes but by that point Kate had been intubated as she barely had a pulse.
"Dr Rhodes incoming" " Go to trauma 1" shouted Maggie
"What have we got" he said as he came running over to put some gloves on.
"16 year old Kate, attempted suicide, was found unconscious at a party black out drunk after she had slit her wrists" said Jay as he and Hailey ran alongside him.
"On my count 1, 2, 3" he said as they moved her onto the bed. "I need to start an IV now and call the blood bank asap or were gonna loose her" he yelled. "Im gonna take her up to surgery now and I will let you know when there is an update soon as" he said rushing towards the elevators.

 "Im gonna take her up to surgery now and I will let you know when there is an update soon as" he said rushing towards the elevators

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Jay and Hailey didnt know what to do with themselves. It had been over 7 hours and still nothing. Just then Connor came out.
"Well" Jay said.
"We managed to stop the bleeding but she lost a significant amount of blood." "We wont know if there are any mental affects until she wakes up as she was extremly drunk when you bought her in." "There is something you should know though, we got her bloods back and it turns out there was fentanyl in her system, she was spiked." He said sadly.
Hailey and Jay looked at each other. This just took a turn for the worst.
"I will take you guys to her room now" Connor said.
"Thanks" said Hailey and as they entered Kates room they were horrifed at what they saw. She was connected to many different machines and she was in restraints.
"Why is she in restraints?" Asked Jay.
"We dont want to harm her but she could reattempt to hurt herself, run away or freak out when she wakes up and accidentally hurt someone so it is just a safety precaution but if she wakes up and is calm we will removed them" said Connor as he left the room.

Hailey and Jay sat and watched her for hours. 2 hours later they noticed she was awake and Hailey went to get Connor.
"Hi Kate, how are you feeling" he said whilst shining a light in her eyes.
"Leave me alone, you shouldnt of saved me." She cried angrily.
Connor looked at Hailey and Jay unsure of what to do next as he didnt want to frighten her. She started to freak out when she realised she was being restrained.
"LET ME GO!!!" she screamed.
Jay and Hailey stood up to try and confort her.
"WHO ARE YOU!?" she screamed.
"My names Hailey and this is Jay and we are here to help" she said gently cradling her. That seemed to work for a minute but she was still agitated and trying to rip out her restraints so Jay came round the back of her and held her tightly so she wouldnt hurt herself anymore.
"LET ME GO" she was pratically sobbing at this point. He just held her and she eventually calmed down so once he was sure she was calm he let her go.

 He just held her and she eventually calmed down so once he was sure she was calm he let her go

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She fell asleep and they left her for a while. Once she woke up she didnt have the energy to fight.
"Hey Kate" said Jay on one side of the bed. "Feeling any better?"
No response.
"The sooner you talk to us the sooner you can go" Hailey said on the other side of the bed.
"There is not much to say, I just needed a distraction and it went to far and wrong." She sighed.
"Kate you slit your wrists" Jay said worriedly.
"I know I wanted the pain to end." She looked away.
They tried asking what pain and by then she wouldnt talk anymore.

🔥Suicide/Self Harm🔥

"Do you still feel suicidal or like your gonna hurt yourself?" Jay asked.
"Kate dont lie to us please, we just want to help" Hailey said.
"I said I am fine can I go now I did speak to you." Kate huffed.
"I will go find the doctor now" Jay said standing up. "You can go if you feel up to it but we will be keeping an eye on you Kate" he said looking at her as he undid her restraints.
"Yeah yeah whatever, thanks for nothing" she said as she pratically ran out of the hospital and out of site.

*This is you now*

Jay and Hailey looked at each other sadly knowing how this was going to turn out

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Jay and Hailey looked at each other sadly knowing how this was going to turn out.

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