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3 Months Later.....

Everything was normal once again. Kate was coping, she hadnt relapsed, her attitude improved significantly though she still kept the new hair and piercings!! Everything couldnt of been better. Kate had been hanging out with Tom everyday as her parents had accepted him but her dads rule was the bedroom door stays open when hes around which she accepted. Her parents actually quite liked Tom as he was a nice lad. Kate had had her 18th birthday and college was going great. She had choosen to study psychology. But one small act that she had done but never forgotten about was about to change all of that altogether and the rest of her life......

Kate was hanging out upstairs in her room with Tom when she looked up at her calender.
"Im late" Kate said sitting up.
"What?" Tom asked pulling Kate back on his lap.
"My period, Im late" Kate got off the bed.
"Shit, how late?" Tom asked realising she was being serious.
"2 Months" Kate gulped. "I gotta go, tell my parents I will be back later." Kate yelled as she rushed downstairs and out the front door.
Tom nodded and made his way downstairs to the lounge.
"What was that?" Jay asked Tom as he looked up from his paperwork.
"Kate just said to tell you she will be back later, I dont know, she just rushed out." Tom shrugged.
"Ok" said Jay suspiciously.
Tom walked back upstairs to Kates bedroom a million thoughts going through his head.

At the store...

Kate felt sick as she picked up a few pregnancy tests. She was to young to be a mom. She still had college and she wanted to enjoy the last few teenager years before becoming an adult and getting a full time job. She couldnt be pregnant she thought to herself. Kate quickly paid and ran home. She bolted up the stairs and into her room.
"Give me a minute" Kate said looking at Tom.
Tom nodded as Kate closed the bathroom door.
Kate peed on both sticks and set a timer for 10 minutes.
The timer pinged and Kate took a few deep breaths before turning both tests over.
The word echoed through Kates head but she was soon interrupted when she heard a knock on the door.
"Kate you ok in there" Tom asked worriedly.
Kate just burst into tears and Tom opened the door without waiting for an answer. He went and sat on the floor next to Kate and he saw what she was holding and what it said.
"Im going to be a dad" Tom asked without thinking.
Kate just looked up at Tom and started crying even harder.
"Oh, im sorry, I wasnt thinking" Tom pulled Kate into a hug. "Come on lets go lie down" Tom helped Kate up and the pair of them laid down in the dark.
Kate was still crying as she laid across Toms chest. A few hours passed and she calmed down.
Tom needed a answer though so again without thinking he looked down at Kate even though he couldnt see her and said "are you keeping it?"
Kate sat up and turned her lamp on. She had been thinking long and hard herself about that too. "Would you stick around if I did?" She looked at Tom.
"I have always wanted to be a dad and I would never leave you to raise our child on your own" Tom said as he took Kates hand.
"Yes, im keeping it" Kate decided. "How am I going to tell my parents, they wont understand"
"Im sure they will, we can tell them tomorrow though if your not ready yet" Tom said pulling Kate back down onto his lap and turning the light back off.
Kate just nodded and ended up falling asleep on Toms lap as he put his hoodie over her to keep her warm.
Tom also fell asleep by accident but a lot had just happened and it exhausted them both.

"Shouldnt Tom of left by now" Jay said looking at Hailey.
"Yeah" "Lets go and check on them" Hailey said as she stood up and made her way upstairs, Jay following suit.
They stood in Kates doorway and looked at the sleeping couple on the bed.
"Im not going to wake them, he can stay the night this once as I trust they wont do anything stupid" said Hailey as she pulled Kates door to.
Jay nodded not to happy but didnt want to wake his sleeping daughter who looked so peaceful.


Kate woke up to daylight creeping in her room. Shit, Tom stayed over she thought as she turned over to see Tom still asleep next to her. Kate got up and looked in the mirror. She pulled her shirt up and looked at her stomach. She could see a slight bump and she felt sick all of a sudden. She just about made it to the toilet before she was sick everywhere.
Tom woke up at hearing Kate being sick and went to comfort her. He helped clean her up before she went to get dressed.
Kate had a problem, she either wore tight fitting clothes that showed off her stomach or baggy clothes that were to big, since she didnt have an eating disorder any more she threw out her baggy clothes and her tight fitting clothes were a little to snug on her. She just about squeezed into her jeans and a t shirt which she pulled down from being cropped as she didnt want to give anything away.
Kate smiled weakly at Tom as she took his hand. How do I do this she thought as the two of them made their way into the kitchen.

"Morning sleepyheads" Hailey smiled at the two of them.
"Thanks for letting me stay last night Hailey and Jay, we were both just exhausted and fell asleep" Tom said as he sat down at the table.
"No problem, you looked to peaceful to wake and I trusted you both to not do anything stupid in the night if you woke up" Hailey grinned at Kate.
Kate smiled weakly as the smell of breakfest Jay was cooking next to her made her want to be sick.
"You Ok honey?" "You look a little pale" Hailey got up to feel her daughters head. "Your hot too"
All of a sudden Kate ran to the sink and was sick. Tom rushed to pull Kates hair back and rubbed her back.
"Kate are you Ok" Jay came up behind Kate to see what the hell was going on.
"No" Kate burst into tears falling on the floor.
"Kate" Hailey went to go and sit next to her when Tom stopped her.
"She will speak to you when she is ready, can you please give her some space." Tom sat next to Kate and cradled her in his arms.
Hailey shot Jay a confused look and Kate and Tom an even more confused look. "You need some space honey" Hailey confirmed with her daughter.
Kate just nodded as she was still crying.
Hailey sighed and left the kitchen with Jay. She didnt want to push Kate, she would open up when she was ready.
"Thank you" said Kate sniffing.
Tom just hugged her tighter before helping her stand up.
Kate still had the pregnancy tests in her jean pocket but she pulled her t shirt over them so her mom and dad wouldnt spot them.
"Ready to do this" Tom said as he gripped Kates arm as Kate was struggling to steady herself.
"Yeah" Kate took a deep breath as Tom helped her take a seat on the settee in the lounge.
"You Ok Kate, why is Tom helping you walk" Jay said wondering what was happening to his daughter again.
"I need to tell you two something and promise you wont be mad." Kate began.
Hailey and Jay looked at each other confused but nodded.
"Do you remember when you kicked me out that night and I stayed the night at Toms" Kate stopped as she could see Jay was a bit ashamed as he remembered what he had done in the heat of the moment.
They both nodded.
"Well something happened that night and well close your eyes and put your hands out, both of you" Kate said as calmly as she could.
Hailey and Jay frowned at Kate but did as she said.
Here goes nothing she thought as she could feel her heart rate picking up as she got the pregnancy tests out her pocket. She took a deep breath before placing one of each in her parents hands.
"Open your eyes grandma and grandpa" Kate held her breath as she watched her parents open their eyes and look at what was in their hands.
"Your pregnant" Jay said shocked.
"Your pregnant" Hailey said just as shocked as Jay.
"Im keeping it and Tom is staying to help raise this little one" Kate put one hand on her belly and the other round Tom.
"Are you sure this is what you want honey, we will fully support you but babies are hard work" Hailey said smiling at her daughter.
Kate nodded.
"Well congratulations mommy to be" said Hailey as she got up and pulled Kate into a big hug. "Was that why you were sick this morning, morning sickness" Hailey asked as she gave Tom a big hug as well.
"And last night, thats why we were both asleep as we only found out last night and earlier this morning again" Kate smiled. "I need more clothes, these are not fitting anymore." Kate lifted up her shirt so her parents could see her bump.
"We can go shopping later" Hailey said smiling looking at Kates small bump as she was now a proud grandma.
"Dad" said Kate anxiously as he hadnt said another word.
"How many months?" Jay asked slowly.
"The test said 2 and we slept together about 3 months ago so I would say it was pretty accurate." Kate replied biting her lip anxiously.
"Well congratulations, me and your mum will support you all the way and good on you Tom for staying around and being a father at such a young age" Jay said before getting up and pulling his daughter into a big hug and then shaking hands and slapping Tom on the back.
Kate let out a sigh of relief.
"We will need to make you an appoitment at med, Ill ring Natalie and ask her to book one in" Hailey smiled at her daughter.
"Thanks mom, im going to lay down now as Im still a bit tired." Kate said smiling at them both as Tom helped her stand up.
"Well congratulations once again honey" Hailey said as she watched her daughter leave the room with her boyfriend helping her walk up the stairs.
Kate and Tom laid on the bed and let out a sigh of relief.
"See, I told you it wouldnt be that bad" Tom said as he rolled over to look at Kate.
"Yeah" Kate smiled to herself as she rolled over and laid across Toms chest. Im going to be a mum! She thought to herself❤❤

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