Back to normal??

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6 Months Later....

Kate was finally living a normal steady life. Her parents had decided it best to prospone taking her dad down for a bit as she had had enough to deal with without more trauma being added to her small body as they didnt want her relapsing. Kate was now in full time school and things seemed to be going well until......

Kate was already awake even though it was only 7am and decided to get up and get dressed.

Kate was already awake even though it was only 7am and decided to get up and get dressed

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Kate made her way down into the kitchen and made herself some breakfest and coffee. She quickly ate it as she had to get going for school.
"Dad were going to be late" Kate yelled up the stairs. Yes Kate now felt comfortable enough to call Hailey and Jay, mom and dad, which they were thrilled about.
"Coming" Jay yelled. "Morning hun" Jay said kissing her head before he went to grab his gun out the safe before they left.
"Morning" said Kate.
The pair of them left and Jay pulled up outside her school. "See you later, dont forget your moms picking you up later" Jay called out as Kate shut the truck door.
"Ok" said Kate as she waved bye to her dad and watched him drive off before heading into school.
What Kate didnt realise was a man had been watching her from afar...

Kates phone pinged as she walked into school but she froze in her tracks when she opened the message.
Unknown number:
I can see you....
She opened the image and gasped when she saw it. It was of her waving bye to her dad. She quickly phoned her dad even though he knew he was at work.
Jay saw Kates number flash up and he knew there was an emergency as Kate knew not to phone him when he was at work unless there was a geuine emergency and she was supposed to be in school so she shouldnt be on her phone anyway.
Jay answered "hey Kate, whats going on?" He asked worriedly.
"Dad, i just got a text from an unknown number saying there watching me and they sent me a photo of me waving you off this morning, dad im scared" Kate said stammering as she couldnt speak properly out of fear.
"Ok,ok,ok, calm done hun, hang on" "Hails come here" Jay called out worriedly.
"Whats the matter?" Hailey asked coming over.
"Kates just phoned me and said she got a message from an unknown number saying there watching her and they sent her a photo of her waving me off this morning" Jay replied.
"Oh god, what should we do?" Hailey exclaimed a bit to loudly gaining the attention of the whole unit.
"She said she is scared, lets go pick her up, see if we can track the number, canvass the area, check security cams and stay calm" said Jay thinking.
"Good idea" said Hailey nodding. "Kate wait in reception, were coming to pick you up, say your parents said its an emergency, stay on the line" Jay said as he nodded at Hailey to get their coats and head out.
"Dad im scared" said Kate as she ran in to the school.
"I know, but dont be, your mom and I are on our way and we will stay on the line, just hang on." Jay said as he and Hailey got in the truck and Hailey started the engine seeing as Jay was still on the phone with Kate.

Jay and Hailey pulled up outside Kates school and ran in. They excused her and as they got back in the car Kate started crying.
"Its ok baby" said Hailey holding her in the back seat.
"Pass me your phone, a minute im going to try and track down the number Kate" Jay said as Kate passed him her phone.
Jay set to work pressing buttons on different machines and after a while a match came up but they were shocked when they saw who it was.
"Why is my dads photo on the screen?" Asked Kate as she looked up from Haileys lap.
"Because thats who messaged you" Jay replied looking at Hailey with anger in his eyes.
Kate just burst into tears again and Hailey and Jay both knew she was vulnerable to setting herself back again and relapsing.

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