The birth

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One month Later.....

Kate was now nine months pregnant and she was exhausted. Tom had kindly finished the nursery for them both and she was proud of him when she walked into see it for the first time fully finished.
"Well what do you think?" Tom asked nervously and excitedly.
Kate looked around and smiled.

The nursery was gender neutral as they decided to not find out what they were having

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The nursery was gender neutral as they decided to not find out what they were having.
"I love it" Kate exclaimed. "Well done, proud of you babe" Kate gave Tom a hug to say thank you.
"Phew" Tom nervously laughed as he was worried she wouldnt like it.
"Do you want to get dressed and then how about we go out, you pick where?" Tom suggested as he gave his girlfriend a kiss on the lips.
"Sure" Kate smiled as Tom left the room and Kate waddled over to the closet slowly. Being nine months pregnant she barely had any clothes that fit her. She eventually found something and slipped it on. Kate made her way over to the mirror to brush her hair and do her makeup routine.

Even though it was advised not to seeing as how pregnant Kate was, Kate had decided to dye her hair back to blonde as she wanted another change

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Even though it was advised not to seeing as how pregnant Kate was, Kate had decided to dye her hair back to blonde as she wanted another change. Kate then slowly made her way downstairs and Tom saw her coming down the stairs and looped an arm through hers as they got to the door.
"Where to?" He asked as the two of them stepped out into the cold chicago air. It was November so it was pretty cold out.
"Disney Store" Kates eyes lit up.
"Seeing as though your due to give birth to our baby any day soon, Ok" Tom sighed as he helped Kate into his car.
"Thank you, love you" Kate smiled at him as he rolled his eyes.
"Love you too" he replied as he started the car.

At the disney store...
"Not to much" Tom groaned as he saw Kate had two baskets full.
Kate shot him a look and he soon shut up as he didnt want to piss his pregnant girlfriend who was about to give birth, off in public.
They went to the checkout an hour after they entered the store and Tom groaned when he saw the total but still paid anyway. £348.45. It was a lot but in Kates defence it was all baby stuff for when the baby arrived.
"Thank you, your the best" Kate said to Tom as they finally left the shop.
"I know I am" Tom laughed which made Kate laugh.
"Im starving, lunch?" Kate asked as she looked at Nandos longingly.
Tom knew it was her favourite restaurant and he was hungry too. "Sure"
They walked into Nandos and got seated within 5 minutes.
"Ill have the butterfly chicken wings x2 with all sides being fries" Kate said to the waiter who just looked at her. "Look mate I could give birth any minute now so I suggest you stop looking at me like that" Kate snapped.
The waiter just turned to Tom and nodded his head with a flabbergasted look on his face. He hoped she wouldnt be giving birth in here.
"Ill have the four piece chicken wings with fries and can we get 2 sprites please" Tom asked as he was trying to hold in his laughter at what his girlfriend had just come out with.
"Sure" The waiter quickly walked away and Tom burst out laughing.
"Whats so funny?" Kate snapped.
"You" Tom continued to laugh but he soon shut up when he saw the look on Kates face.
Their food soon came and Kate cleared her plate much to the shock of the waiter and they ordered chocolate cake for dessert. They then ate the cake as slowly as possible to kill some time and they then paid and left, well rather Tom paid!
"Ow" Kate leant over a bench as they exited the restaurant.
"Whats up?" Said Tom as he noticed his girlfriend who appeared to now be in apparent pain.
"OOWWW" Kate screamed attracting passerbys now.
"Kate, your scaring me, are you Ok, wait stupid question" Tom began to ramble.
Suddenly they were interrupted by Kates waters breaking.
"Oh god" Kate burst into tears. "Im not ready." "Tom please help me" Kate clung onto her boyfriend for dear life.
Truth being Tom wasnt ready either but he knew he had to step up and be there for Kate and the baby right now.
"Um right, its going to be Ok, should we call Jay and Hailey?" Tom asked as he held his pregnant girlfriend who now appeared to be in labour in his arms.
"No" Kate groaned. "Hospital"
"Right hospital" Tom said as he somehow, he didnt know how, found the strength after just eating a massive meal to put the 3 heavy shopping bags on his arms and lift his girlfriend up as she was to unstable to walk and he carried her out to his car. Tom worked out everyday which may of had something to do with it!
Tom laid Kate on the backseat of his car and climbed into the drivers seat and started the engine. "Hang in there Kate, just hang on, we will be there soon" Tom said as he sped off to the hospital.
How Tom didnt get pulled over for speeding he didnt know as he was doing 100mph on the freeway. As he arrived at the ED Tom parked out front not caring it was for ambulances only and he got out and rushed to get Kate out from the back passenger seats.
"Its Ok Kate, were here now, just hang on, I got you" Tom said as calmly as he could before gently lifting Kate out of the car and running into the ED.
Maggie rushed over to see it was Kate.
"Dr Manning, treatment 2" Maggie yelled as she guided Tom through to the room.
"What have we got?" Said Dr Manning as she ran into the room.
"MY GIRLFRIENDS IN LABOUR, HELP HER" Tom yelled as he gently put Kate down onto the bed.
"Ok, whats your name" Maggie turned to Tom.
"Tom and this is Kate, Im her boyfriend" Tom stated as he looked at his girlfriend who was screaming in pain still.
"Ok Tom how long ago did all this start and has Kates waters broken?" Natalie asked as she started hooking moniters and wires up to Kate.
"Er yeah her water broke and all this happened about 15 minutes ago" Tom said holding back tears.
"Here sit down hun" Maggie pulled a chair out for Tom to sit down on as he was shaking from all the adrenaline.
Tom just smiled at Maggie before looking back at his screaming girlfriend.
"Hi Kate, Im Dr Manning, your in labour Ok honey" Dr Manning said as she stopped to take a proper look at Kate. "Kate do Jay and Hailey know your here?" She asked confused as to where they where.
"No and I dont want them to and as Im 18 you cant ring them" Kate just about uttered out between screams.
Dr Manning just nodded. "I need to start an IV Ok Kate to get you some medication for the pain and some fluids in you" Dr Manning said calmly.
"Do whatever, just make this stop" Kate said a bit calmer as the contraction just stopped.
Tom gripped Kates hand for support as Natalie started the IV.
"You should start to feel relief in a minute, I just need to do a quick pelvic exam to check how dilated you are OK?" Dr Manning said as she put a fresh set of gloves on.
"Ok, but Tom stays" Kate groaned.
"Sure" said Natalie as she went to go and do the exam. "Your 7cm dilated Kate, hopefully not to long now." "Has the medication started to kick in a bit?" Natalie asked as she stood up and took her gloves off.
Kate nodded. "Can I have gas and air" she asked looking up at Natalie calmly for about 2 minutes as another contraction had just finished.
"Sure thing kiddo, Ill be right back" Natalie disappeared and came back to set the gas and air up. "Here you go, you sure you dont want Jay and Hailey to know your here, there probably worried sick about you" Natalie asked.
"When the babys here, I will ring them" Kate spluttered.
Natalie just nodded. "Ill be back soon to check on you, try and get some rest honey" Natalie squeezed Kates hand before she left.
Kate tried to sleep but she was in to much pain. Tom just sat there and held her hand and whispered encouraging words to her which surprisingly relaxed her and was helping.

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