Poor Girl

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Kate arrived back home completly unaware that Jay and Hailey were following her. She was annoyed that they saved her but she still had every intention to try again. She got ready to go out but her dad stopped her.
"Oi, I need you to go and drop this off to Patrick now and then head on down to the strip club and make me some money and I am not asking." He spat.
"Whatever" she rolled her eyes and took the package and was about to leave when her dad punched her in the face so hard she stumbled backwards.
"Dont whatever me missy now go" he screamed.
Kate ran out the front door heading towards the city.
"Jay did you get that" Hailey asked pointing to the camera.
"Yeah what do we do now, surely we have to arrest her to protect her and make sure she is safe, she is dressed like she is going to another party and has a stack load of drugs."
Hailey radioded through to Hank. "Sarge the kid was released from hospital but has gone out dressed like she is going to another party and with a stack load of drugs, we also have reason to believe she is going to harm herself." "Shall we move in and arrest her to keep her safe?"
Hank sighed "If you have reason to believe that then yes go ahead."
Jay and Hailey got out the van and started heading towards Kate.

"Jay and Hailey got out the van and started heading towards Kate

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"Kate Morgan put your hands in the air now" Hailey shouted. Shit Kate thought to herself and began to run. She was actually a pretty fast runner for her age.
"Dammit" Jay shouted. "Hailey you go this way, I will go this way"
Kate was running like her life depended on it, which it did really.
"Kate stop" shouted Jay.
Kate climbed on to a roof and stood there. Shit Jay thought to himself.
"Kate either you come down or we will get you down" Hailey shouted.
Kate began running over roofs until she slipped and fell which Jay took the oppotunity to catch her and hold her down.
"GET OFF ME" screamed Kate.
"Calm down Kate, we dont want to hurt you but I need you to stop fighting me and just calm down" Jay said as he was struggling to contain the teenager.
After about 10 minutes of solid fighting and screaming Kate gave up and the pair just laid their on the ground as Jay didnt trust to let go of her yet. He eventually let go and she ended up being handcuffed but only as a precaution so she didnt run. They had to be mindful as she had only slit her wrists last night. Kate refused to stand up so Hailey and Jay picked her up and carried her to their car.

They arrived at the district and Hailey helped Kate down from the car and up into the interrogation room. As Kate sat down Jay took the cuffs of her being mindful that she might attack them he sat behind her on the bench.

"So Kate what were you doing with the drugs" Hailey asked looking at her, might as well get straight to the point.

"So Kate what were you doing with the drugs" Hailey asked looking at her, might as well get straight to the point

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"No comment" Kate sighed looking away.
"Is it going to be like this" Jay asked looking at Hailey.
"Yep, I have got nothing to say to you guys" Kate said still looking ahead.
"Alright well we leave you here for a bit and then we will be back" said Hailey as her and Jay walked out the room locking the door behind her.

Kate looked around and realised she still had the drugs on her. Well lets make this more interesting she thought to herself and started doing coke. She did the whole lot and just sat there high out her mind. 30 minutes had passed and Jay and Hailey walked back in the room. They noticed the table had little bags on it and looked at Kate who was staring into space. They walked over to her and gently crouched down pulling her face towards them. Her pupils were completly unreactive and she was out of it.
"Shit" they screamed.
"50-21 george i need an ambo at my location now." "16 year old female severly oding, not reacting to anything and is out of it" jay shouted down his radio.
"Copy that 50-21 george" "ambo is on route, eta 4 minutes"
Hailey looked at Jay and said "we need narcan now, do you have any"
"Yeah" Jay grabbed the narcan out of his pocket and undid it and injected it into her. They waited for her to come round but she still wasnt awake when the ambo had arrived. They took her to med where she was still out of it for hours. Eventually she came round to see Hailey and Jay staring at her.
"What do you guys want now" Kate groaned still feeling ill.
"Kate you are still under arrest, how are you feeling" said Jay as he sat down next to her looking at her sadly.
"I just want to be alone" she buried her face in the pillow and began to cry.
They were shocked as they had never seen her like that. They let her cry it out and she ended up falling asleep.

Will came into the room and looked at them signalling for Hailey and Jay to step outside.
"When we did her intake we noticed an awful lot of bruises all over her and also healed fractures, I have reason to believe this kid is being abused." "Shall I call DCFS" he asked.
Hailey and Jay looked at each other. "Thanks man but we got it" he said looking at a sleeping Kate sadly.
"Sure thing" he said and went back off to work.

Hailey and Jay went back into her room and waited for her to wake up.
4 hours later she woke and just laid there feeling numb.
"Hey" said Jay. "Feeling better"
"Yeah" she said.
They were shocked as she hadnt spoken to them at all.
"Kate honey can you please tell us what you were doing with the drugs?" She asked gently.
Kate decided she may as well as she was in enough trouble as it was. "I was supposed to sell them to a guy named Patrick for my dad." Kate said looking at the ceiling.
"Ok thank you and what about why you are dressed like that: Jay asked relieved she was now cooperating.
"He makes me go down to the strip club and make him money" Kate said with no emotion still looking up at the ceiling.
Hailey and Jay looked at each other shocked.
"Its ok honey, what about all the bruises and healed fractures?" Hailey asked gently.
"My dad beats me up all the time for no reason and I am being bullied at school" Kate sighed looking at them finally.
That poor girl, their heart broke for her.
"Thanks Kate we will be back" said Jay. "Try and get some more rest" as they walked out her room closing the door behind them.
"What do we do now" Hailey looked at Jay.
"I dont know, Hailey, I really dont" he said with sadness in his voice as he looked over at a numb Kate just lying there.

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