These are signs of Postpartum Depression

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🔥Trigger Warning - This chapter talks about postpartum depression and postartum psychosis and attempted suicide and how important it is to notice the signs and what can happen when someone refuses help🔥

A few days later....

Tom had decided to redesign the nursery to theme it for a girl as he wanted Scarlett to have a room themed for a girl and not a room that is neutral themed. Not that it mattered because Scarlett was a baby but it made Tom happy and he was sure it made Kate happier too.

"Hey do you want to hold her Kate?"  Tom asked gently as he picked a sleeping Scarlett up and sat down on the bed next to Kate

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"Hey do you want to hold her Kate?"  Tom asked gently as he picked a sleeping Scarlett up and sat down on the bed next to Kate.
Kate slowly looked up and nodded which shocked Tom.
"Here" Tom gently put Scarlett in Kates arms.
Kate looked down at her baby and felt nothing.

Kate just smiled at Tom and handed her back to him after a few minutes

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Kate just smiled at Tom and handed her back to him after a few minutes.
"I need to sleep" Kate said as she got up and went to her room.
Tom looked at Kate worriedly but nodded as he sat back down with Scarlett in his arms fast asleep.
Kate laid on her bed and began to cry, she was exhausted but couldnt sleep, everything was to much. In the end she eventually fell asleep. She kept waking up as she thought she heard a baby crying but ignored it and went back to sleep. 14 hours passed and Kate decided to get up and go downstairs and get some dinner.
She looked at Tom who was feeding Kate a bottle.
"Morning sleepyhead" Tom joked but was shocked at Kates response.
"Just be quiet" Kate snapped.
"I need a break" Kate sighed to herself as she got out a tub of ice cream and sat down and began to eat it slowly.
"Hey shall we go and see Jay and Hailey" Kate said suddenly.
"Sure?" Said Tom but he was shocked at Kates sudden change in mood. "Ill get my little munchkin and myself changed and we will be down soon" Kate lifted Scarlett out of Toms arms and went upstairs to get her and herself ready.
Tom just stood there shocked as Kate had almost hated  Scarlett for the last few days and now she wanted to change her all of a sudden.
"Hey honey lets get you changed" Kate said as she slowly got Scarlett changed and sat her down on the changing Mat as she got herself changed too. She picked Scarlett up and looked in the mirror and took a selfie. Perfect she thought to herself.

 Perfect she thought to herself

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