The rebellion stage

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1 year later....

Everything was completly normal now. It was like they were all a proper family. Kate was completly beating the odds as she hadnt hurt herself or made herself ill for over 11 months. School was going great, she was in a proper routine. As usual though something always goes wrong but what more could go wrong now?........

Kate awoke around 8.00am. It was a saturday, so there was no school today. She decided to get dressed and completly redecorate her room today. Kate was now 17 and a half so she wanted a bit more grown up room.

 Kate was now 17 and a half so she wanted a bit more grown up room

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She finished decorating it and smiled to herself

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She finished decorating it and smiled to herself. Boy would Jay and Hailey get a shock she thought to herself. She sat down in her swinging chair and smiled to herself once again looking over her new room and then looking out her window and over the city. She picked her phone up from the counter as it was vibrating and held her breath when she saw who was ringing. Her dad. They hadnt heard from him since Kate relapsed. Kate reluctantly answered the call almost immediately regretting doing so.
"Dad what do you want now?" Kate asked calmly but clearly annoyed.
"Hey honey, how are you?" Her dad asked curiously.
"A lot better now your not in my life, you made me ill, how did you know?" Kate had been dying to know the answer to that last question.
"I have eyes and ears everywhere Kate, dont ever underestimate me." "So you live with Jay and Hailey now huh" her dad asked.
"Yes and I like it that way, my life is a lot more stable now" Kate replied as she could feel her heart rate picking up.
"Hmm" said her dad. "Anyways I just wanted to see how you were seeing as you no longer live here or speak to me"
"Well I would appreciate you not calling this number again Robert as you are no longer my dad, Jay is" Kate replied bravely.
That made Kates real dad angry. "Never speak to me like that again, fine dont speak to me, see if I care" and with that Robert hung up the phone.
Kates heart was racing as she got up and looked in the mirror. Dont let him get to you she thought to herself. I need to do something to cheer myself up. Why dont I cut and dye my hair and get some piercings she thought smiling as she could imagine herself with a nose and helix piercing and short ombre hair.

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