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Morning rolled around and Hailey went to wake Kate up.
"Morning Kate" Hailey said gently as she opened the curtains and turned on the light. "Time to get up"
Kate groaned. "What time is it" she said holding her head.
"7.30" Hailey replied looking at her concerned. "Are you feeling Ok Kate" Hailey said worriedly feeling her head as she still looked rather pale.
"Yeah" said Kate. "Just got a headache is all"
"Alright" said Hailey not believing her at all. "Come get changed and meet us in the living room for breakfest when your done." Hailey said leaving her room and closing the door behind her.
Shit thought Kate as she saw her bandages were red from the night before and she quickly changed them before getting dressed.

Shit thought Kate as she saw her bandages were red from the night before and she quickly changed them before getting dressed

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This is your new outfit

"Hey" said Kate as she waltzed into the living feeling dizzy af.
"Morning" said Jay. "Want breakfest?"
"No thanks" she answered as she sat down on the settee.
Hailey and Jay looked at her in worry as they went to sit down by her.
"Kate, we need to talk honey" Hailey said.
"What about?" Said Kate clearly annoyed as she wanted to be left alone.
🔥Trigger Warning - Eating Disorder and Self Harm🔥
"Last night were you making yourself sick Kate?" Jay asked looking at her worriedly.
"No" scoffed Kate.
"Were you cutting again Kate? Hailey asked looking at her face to see if she was lying.
"No" Kate yelled. "Why would you think that?"
"Hey, first of all stop being aggressive with us, secondly you wouldnt change out your pyjamas to cool down or get some juice to feel better and bit my head off when i suggested it and you went to bed after eating a mouthful of food at 8.30 and your now wearing oversized clothes." "Were just worried Kate" said Jay.
"Well theres no need to be now can I go" Kate asked standing up.
"Kate please take the jumper off" said Hailey standing up also.
"No Im cold" said Kate starting to internally panic.
"Kate you have a fever which should mean your hot" said Jay looking at her suspiciously.
"Im not putting up with this crap, im going out, ill be back later" said Kate storming off.
"Kate Morgan come back here right now" said Jay sternly.
"What now" screamed Kate.
"Lose the attitude right now or you can go to your room." Shouted Jay.
"You cant make me" Yelled Kate and with that she ran out the front door.
"What do we do" said Hailey worriedly.
"Ill ping her phone and we will wait until she comes in and have a serious talk with her.
Kate walked to her friends house and got changed forgetting about her bandages but suddenly remembering she took them off and hoped for the best. It looked alright now she thought to herself.

 It looked alright now she thought to herself

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This is you now

Kate walked into the party and started to get drunk again. She wasnt ready to get sober just yet. Jay pinged her phone and scoffed when he saw where she was.
"Hailey Kates at that Garys house again, the one she got drunk at, we need to get her here now" said Jay walking into the living room.
"Jay let her come home, give it a few hours and see the state she is in, give her a bit of space" sighed Hailey.

4 hours later

Kate waltzed into the living room extremly unsteady on her feet as she was still in heels.
"OH MY GOD, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING AND WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOUNG LADY" Jay shouted as Hailey came out to see what was going on.
Hailey gasped when she saw Kate. "Kate are you drunk" she said looking her dead in the eyes knowing full well she was.
"No" said Kate laughing almost falling over.
"Whatever you say" said Kate laughing as she was all over the place and slammed the door to her room.
"What do we do now" sighed Hailey.
"We need to talk to her therapist and have serious talk with her when she is sober." Jay said as he furrowed his brows. "Did she look a lot skinnier to you Hails" Jay said worriedly.
"Yeah she did" Hailey said sadly.

Kate changed back into her clothes from this morning and put on her music playlist really loudly. She chose this song as she thought everyone should know how she felt instead of having to talk to them herself.

🔥Trigger Warning - Eating Disorder🔥

Kate ran in her bathroom and made herself throw up. Jay and Hailey were concerned by how loud her music was and they crept into her room and saw she wasnt there but her bathroom door was shut. They turned off her music and opened her bathroom door to see Kate with her fingers down her throat.
"Oh honey" Hailey got on the floor with her and pulled her away from the toilet.
"Kate, are you Ok?" Jay said as he crouched down next to her.
Kate started sobbing as Hailey just sat and held her. She ended up falling asleep on Haileys lap so Hailey picked her up and put her on her bed and shut the door.
"Poor girl" said Jay as they sat downstairs.
"We need to get her to a hospital or doctors." Said Hailey.
"Ill ring Will and ask him if we can go over tomorrow.
"Good idea" said Hailey as she walked into the kitchen.

Jay picked up his phone.
"Hey man" whats up asked Will.
"Hey, so you know we took in Kate." Jay began.
"Yeah" said Will wondering what was going on.
"Well we suspected she was cutting again and making herself sick." Jay said sadly.
"Oh no is she okay" Will asked worriedly.
"No man, me and Hails walked into her room and found her with her fingers down her throat being sick and this wasnt the first time we heard her being sick either, we also noticed fresh red marks up her arms and she got drunk today as we had an argument when we asked her if she was making herself ill so she also relapsed." Jay said. "What im asking is can me and Hails bring her in tomorrow for you to check her out as we are extremly concerned for her."
"Im so sorry man, sure bring her down her tomorrow and ill check her out" Will said sadly.
"Thanks man, appreciate it" Jay said. "See you tomorrow"
"Anytime" Will said. "See you tomorrow.

"We can bring her to med tomorrow and Will will check her out" said Jay walking into the kitchen.
"Thats good" said Hailey sipping her cup of coffee. "You staying up and we can swap halfway through the night" said an exhausted Jay.
"Sure" Hailey replied kissing her husband before he made his way up to bed and Hailey made her way into the living room and sat down on the couch and putting the tv on quietly. Poor Kate, she thought, Poor Kate.

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