Proposal Part 2 - The surprise

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Finally the following day arrived. Tom was up early and he had packed his bag but hidden it so Kate wouldnt spot it. He went downstairs to see Jay and Hailey eating breakfest.
"You ready?" Jay asked.
"Yeah" Tom replied as he went to grab cofffee not that he needed any as his heart was already beating a thousand beats a minute.
"You look nervous" Hailey laughed as Tom shakingly poured his cup of coffee and sat down at the table.
"Yeah I am" Tom could barely speak as he was so nervous.
"You will do great" Hailey said as she pat him on the back. "Bacon and eggs anyone" Hailey said as she made her way over to the stove.
"I will and Im sure Kate will" Tom said as he got up and grabbed Scarletts Breakfest to prepare so it was ready for when she woke up.
Jay nodded and Hailey started cooking breakfest for everyone.

Kate woke up and looked at her clock. 9.00am. Kate groaned but got up as she had to get Scarlett up ready to go on her playdate which had actually already been cancelled but she didnt know that.
"Hey sweetie" Kate walked into her daughters room and slowly started to wake Scarlett up. "Time to get up"
Scarlett woke up in a happy mood for some reason and Kate picked her up and walked dowstairs for breakfest.
"Something smells good in here" Kate said as she walked into the kitchen and stapped Scarlett into her highchair.
"Bacon and eggs and yes we put some on for you" Hailey replied.
"Thanks, hey babe" Kate smiled at Tom who walked over with Scarletts breakfest. He set it down on Scarletts tray before turning to look at Kate.
"Morning babe" he smiled at her with tears in his eyes.
"Whats up with you?" Kate joked as she sat down and began to eat her breakfest.
"Nothing" Tom replied as he turned around to compose himself.
"Ok" Kate was confused but thought nothing of it.
"We are having a girls day today and no arguments" Hailey said as she came and sat down next to Kate.
"Great, I could do with a bit of pampering" Kate exclaimed.
"By the way Scarletts friend called and said Lana was sick so Scarlett cant go around but I will look after her for today so you can still go out with Hailey" Tom said as he looked over at Kate as he was still feeding Scarlett her breakfest as she was for some reason refusing to do it herself today.
"You sure?" Kate asked as she got up.
"Yeah go get dressed and have some fun" Tom replied smiling at her.
"Ok thanks?" Kate was still confused at to what was going on but again she was just glad she got to have some adult girly time.

Kate got dressed and went out with Hailey for the day. They got their nails done, their hair done, Hailey insisted they go clothes shopping for some evening clothes and summery clothes which Kate thought was weird as it was December but she never passed up the opportunity to go clothes shopping and then they went to nandos for lunch before returning home just after 2pm.

 They got their nails done, their hair done, Hailey insisted they go clothes shopping for some evening clothes and summery clothes which Kate thought was weird as it was December but she never passed up the opportunity to go clothes shopping and t...

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Kates nails

Kates nails

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