School Drama!

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Kate woke up and immediately regretted doing so as she realised she had school and she had to face her parents, all within the space of half an hour.

Across the hall....

"Morning" said Hailey as she rolled over turning her alarm clock off before getting up.
"Morning" Jay huffed.

Great it looked like he was still in a bad mood Hailey thought. Jay and Hailey then got dressed and headed towards Kates room.

Kate didnt even look up as she heard a key turn in the door and a light turn on. Jay looked over at Kate.

"Get up" Jay yelled.

"Jeez, whats your issue now?" Kate replied back sarcastically getting out of bed. Big mistake.

"What are you.. I just cant with you" Jay yelled as he looked at her in disgust and walked out the room to go and cool down.

Hailey shook her head at Kate. "This isnt like you Kate, whats going on?" Hailey asked geuinely concerned as she looked at her 17 year old daughter who had clothes that just about covered her top and bottom half on.

"Nothing" Kate yelled turning away from Hailey to look out the window.

"Get dressed and be down in 5" Hailey said shaking her head as she shut the bedroom door behind her.

Kate took some deep breaths before heading to her closet to pick out an outfit for school.

Kate took some deep breaths before heading to her closet to pick out an outfit for school

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She didnt care what anyone thought at this point. Kate brushed her now short swishy hair behind her ears and put on some light makeup before taking one last look in the mirror and heading downstairs. Here we go she thought.

As Kate walked in the kitchen Jay took one look at her and scoffed. He walked over to the safe and got his gun out before walking to the door. "Be down in 5" he said through gritted at Hailey as he couldnt even bare to look at Kate.

Hailey just sighed and nodded. She was getting tired of all this arguing now. She heard the front door slam and she sighed again as she went over to the safe and got her gun out. "Want any breakfest Kate" said Hailey as she got her bag.

Kate just shook her head.

"Well come on then lets go" said Hailey as they walked out the door and down to the car.

The car ride was silent as Jay drove to Kates school. Kate got out the car and didnt even say bye to her parents as she just waltzed off to go in without a care in the world. Hailey just sighed and shook her head but Jay scoffed and said "That kid has a serious attitude problem and she needs to sort it out and quick"

They then drove to the district but things were about to get a lot worse for them and was Jay going to end up going past his breaking point with Kate?...

In School..

Kate was not normally a trouble maker. She was a quiet kid who kept to herself surprisingly. But today was different, Kate was going through some type of phase and had a serious attitude.

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