been a while, huh?

6 1 47

 (real quick @EnbyWithAdhd is the Nikkita I reference later)

nddnchjwjn hahahahahahahhaahahaha imagine writing a crack book when you're like twelve and growing as a person since then and looking back on your old Cute and Quirky chapters that no longer fit you/your vibe/just You anymore hahahaah couldn't be me


mothman ammiright 

I love him ,,,, so much,,,,,

hey wanna hear some ✨drama✨?

(I apologize in advance for the crap grammar and spelling. this will be one run on sentence probably and I hate it)

okay so

I prolly told this story already and just don't remember but djsajas

I had this friend, let's call them sweetheart but in the passive-aggressive way

Sweetheart was lowkey toxic tbh sjksjk anywho my mom agreed to take me and a couple friends to local pride (we went on june 26th and it was so pog sabhasjaBJK i'd send pics but I don't have any of just me and I don't want to send any of my friends without their permission) so I decided to bring Sweetheart and two other friends (Pickle and Nikkita). Except sweetheart wanted to also bring a friend??? (I'll call the friend spider)

They were like "oh yeah I'd love to go! Spider might come go too! But her mom's a dick so prolly not" like basically setting me up to invite spider too sjksdj

I didn't really want spider to come bc it's someone I don't know and pride is a personal thing yknow??

ALSO sweetheart and spider used to date (!) pickle, nikkita, and I would constantly hear about how it was never going to work ect and then out of nowhere they just? started talking again?? like sweetheart went from "ugh spider ;-; (/neg)" to "UGH SPIDER (/pos)" overnight dssnjksj

So on top of both me and nikkita not being comfortable with spider going, my mom wasn't going to bring her. She agreed to my friends going, and she's not going to be responsible for a kid /I/ don't even know zhbs

and this pissed sweetheart off

she said shit like "we don't need your mom to supervise, I'll be with her" as if my mom wouldn't still be held accountable as the responsible adult if something were to happen and "you have to meet people at some point" when we said we had anxiety

she also had the audacity to say that meeting new people is the same for everyone when nikkita said it would be especially bad for him bc of its diagnosed autism and anxiety. Sweetheart really said meeting new people is the same for everyone regardless of anxiety/autism/neurodivergency/ect.

and then they invited pickles to go pride with them instead of us!! with me right there!! after I had invited him!!

this whole petty middleschool argument was in a gc on discord and sweetheart got their mom involved. everyone pickles, nikkita, and I have talked to have said there was no reason to get their mom invloved. it was a petty argument over essentially nothing to begin with and they had their mom message for them hbjadhs

anyway we fought for a while, sweetheart's mom tried invalidating nikkita and I's anxiety, and she also said I'll "never make new friends with my mom's bougie attitude" (lmaoo imagine being a full grown woman and telling a child they'll never make friends bc of their mom's reasonable actions??)

sweetheart left the gc that night.

skip forward a week.

Sweetheart agrees to try to talk things out with nikkita and I at nikki's house. They walked over happy and seemed to be in a good mood. ha.

We were taking out back on nikkita's outside chairs and stuff and sweetheart comes over, sits down, and puts her feet up on nikki's table. like dshbjdsds. the audacity.

They were pretty much being a hypocrite the entire time. At one point they told nikki to put itself in spider's shoes and he said he really can't, he has autism and it's just not possible menatlly for him to put itself in other people's shoes. And sweetheart said. "no it's not bc of the autism you're just not an empathetic person."

when I say I almost punched a bitch-

They'd list how certain things that were said made them upset and when we'd try to be like "I'm sorry, genuinely didn't mean it to come off that way" they'd snap with "well it DID" but when we tried to list shit they did that upset us they were just like "that's not fair to say bc I didn't mean to upset you??" like sdhdsjksdj

there was also one point where they admitted to spacing out and straight up not listening bc she thought we were wrong and didn't feel like hearing us out

OH and nikki and I think she was on call with her mom the whole time bc they walked over with earbuds and at first they put it next to them and I could hear the music playing but then they went on their phone to turn it off, stayed on their phone for a sec, and left their earbud next to them even tho I saw the case. There were a couple other things too like how the second they got back into the car with their mom they were already laughing and clearly making fun of us.

At the end of the conversation Nikkita said this clearly isn't going anywhere, (it wasn't, it was just leading to a bigger fight) and that it had some of sweetheart's stuff that they left there inside and if they wanted him to grab it. Sweetheart said yeah and went to follow nikki inside and nikki calmly said that it didn't feel comfortable with her in his house. So sweetheart says. "hahah like I'm gonna plant a BOMB from RUSSIA" njdjkdjd so nikkita snapped and said "NO, I'm just not comfortable with you in my fucking house, now I'm going to get your fucking shit"

yas king gaslight gatekeep the other g one 

anyway after that sweetheart laughed and strutted back to her car like the prick they are

safe to say we didn't take them to pride kdjsdjdsj

they and pickles were still kinda friends after that (they're not anymore lol) and they claimed they were going to a diff pride event with her fam and spider but my mom scoured the internet, there were no other pride events in the state after that point dhndhd it was already the end of the month, there wasn't really anything else going on yknow?

I feel bad she didn't get to go to pride but it also serves them right jnkjnsd there were some other stuff I left out bc I'm lazy but she went after my friends so djndsj screw you 


I'll comment with the link to my pintrest asthetic board here if you wanna see the vibes >>

other shit that's changed since I started this book:

>I reallly really really love mothman

>clowncore etsy is my gender /hj

>reliving my ldshadowlady phase rn so that's fun

>ajr too snkdsjnkd they have!!! new song!!! i love it so much!!! @Fabulous_Trash13 linclipsa my beloved pls listen to it-

>I grew up a little? Lol I joined wattpad just before my 12th bday and since then I've been able to figure myself out more?? Like I know myself and interests slightly better now and I've grown and changed hopefully for the better? Lol stereotypical middle-schoolers be like: "oh wow ik who I am now 😍😍" lmaoo. what is this any disneychannel movie/show ever?? Anyway I'll be a freshman in like three weeks so that's pog ig 

> ...

>i unironically say pog now 😔

idk what else

hopefully I'll start posting again??

in the wise words of john mulaney

who's to say

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