Teen Titans Episode idea.

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So I want to see an episode/episodes of Teen Titans with like a Mirror of Erised type thing.
So, like, they go on a mission and find it, (I'm just going to use the mirror as an example) and Cyborg and Beast Boy go into the room first, and then Starfire and Raven, and Robin's last.
So then Bb's all like "Look at those cutie patootie dudes" and Cyborg's like "Yea, look at those kids."
And so they're getting into an argument because Bb sees the Titans grown old together, but Cyborg sees a family of his own, so Bb's like "What are you talking about? There's no kids!"
And Raven tells them it's the Mirror of Erised and that it shows you what you want most and they're talking about what they see (Raven sees  her overthrowing her dad and Starfire sees her and her sister as friends) and nobody noticed but while Bb and Cyborg were fighting, Robin moved up in front of the mirror and is just kind of frozen there.
And Starfire's all like "What about you, Robin? What do you see?" And Robin doesn't answer and Bb's like "Prolly him kissing Star and Batman's there too because he's obsessed with him" and the four of them laugh but Robin doesn't respond and Star's like "Robin?" And he's close to tears and is smiling but he snaps out of it and wipes his eye and is all like "Come on, we've got a mission to fnish."

And so like a week later Robin hasn't been the same so the other four kept pushing to tell them what he saw because they're worried about him until he finally snaps and is like " I SAW MY PARENTS, OKAY???!!"

So it's another few days later and Robin's trying to act like everything's okay and he's letting bb play on his phone. So then someone starts calling Robin's phone and bb tells him and Robin asks who and bb's like "Ummmm *looks at phone* Padre?" And Robin sits up straight and tells bb to give him the phone but instead bb answers it and you can't hear the other line but Beast Boy's like "Dick?? Who are you calling 'Dick??'"
And Robin takes the phone and needs to go to the manor for whatever reason.

And eventually that day the Titans learn his real name (Dick Grayson) and they learn that Bruce is really like Robin's dad and they realize there's still a lot they don't know about him.

I don't know about you, but I'd watch the HECK outta this special event.
I know that was long, but it just kind of popped into my head one day and now it's officially one of my headcanons.

Whadya think?

(Also I'm assuming Robin's tiny eye twin isn't real in this because... Gross.."


*Loony tunes music*

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