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Story time.
My science teacher sometimes puts on the instrumental versions of popular songs on while we do our work (he's done Smells Like Teen Spirit, Don't Stop Believing, and Pumped Up Kicks to name a few) and he said he was gonna put some music on today and I was like "Oh cool, maybe It'll be something I acctually know." And he put it on and I instantly knew. No way you can guess by the inconspicuous title...
It was Say It Ain't So by Weaser.
So when the first note played and I turned to the kid next to me and said "Say It Ain't So, Weaser" and he laughed. Maybe 20 seconds later on the other side of the room another kid says for the whole class to hear "what song is this?" And my teacher says "Say It Ain't So by Weazer" and I say to the kid next to me "told ya" and we were laughing but then most of the class was like "whos that??" So now I'm mad cuz kids these days are so un-cultured and there's my rant for right now.
I might have another one later.

At least you care enough to keep scrolling.

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