It's still June

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Which means it's still Pride Month mother frickers.

ur_local_homosexual  @please_help_me99 I want y'all to see this. Also, I'm definitely going to forget so happy early/ belated all of these 

(please note I'm copy/pasting a lot of this, so Wikipedia if you could not sue me, that would be great)

International Pronouns Day-
Third Wednesday of October

An annual event that seeks to make sharing, respecting and educating about personal pronouns commonplace

@smymebaby_cipher79 look at this next one specifically 

Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week-

The first full week after 14 February

Week to promote information and awareness about aromantic spectrum identities and the issues they face

Bisexual Health Awareness Month- 


Also referred to as #BiHealthMonth; celebrated to raise awareness about the bisexual+ community's social, economic, and , advocate for resources, and inspire actions to improve bi+ people's well-being

Asexual Awareness Week-

Last full week in October 

Week to promote awareness of those on the asexual spectrum

Transgender Day Of Remembrance-

20th of November

Day to memorialize those who have been murdered as a result of transphobia

Intersex Day Of Remembrance (Intersex Solidarity Day)-

November 8th

Herculine Barbin's Birthday

Transgender Awareness Week-

Typically the second week of November

Week to educate about transgender and gender non-conforming people and the issues associated with their transition or identity.

Bisexual Awareness Week-

The week surrounding 23 September

Also referred to as BiWeek, and Bisexual+ Awareness Week

Celebrate Bisexuality Day-

23 September

Also referred to as Bisexual Pride Day, CBD, Bisexual Pride, and Bi Visibility Day

Even though it's like three months from now, probably the day I come out to everybody irl

International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia-

17 May

The main purpose of the 17 May mobilizations is to raise awareness of violence, discrimination, abuse, and repression of LGBT communities worldwide.

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