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Destiny wuu-yung💅🏽

So far life has been going decent since the incident happened, We all made a pack to never speak of it again. We all sat and talked about it and decided it was something to leave in the past.Demetrius ended up getting shot 3 times right now he was a crippled and I had to help him do everything now, Tracy told him she couldn't handle the stress and wouldn't be able to care for his every need so when he gets better he's leaving my house. He really is only a roommate here we don't talk, or even chill together he is one nigga I HATE and I don't see myself being with him in this lifetime. Plus I made a new lil friend as well his name is Kobe and he is so fine , I just been keeping my distance due to Wapp staying here and shit.

I had just dropped Layla to my moms and i'm now home to clean my messy ass house, thats another thing I hate he dont and can't clean shit because he's a fucking pig. Like now the den area is a mess there was weed residue on the carpet, soda and water bottles all over the floor and crumbs and it instantly pissed me off.

"Demetrius, why haven't you cleaned up ? this place is a fucking mess"I said stepping in and looking around.

"Man yo stupid ass know I can't move why the FUCK would you ask me that stupid shit?"He said angrily looking from the tv to me.

"Okay Demetrius you don't have to speak to me that way"I said grabbing the bottles off the floor and sat them on the tables.

"Destiny leave me the fuck alone before I slap you in yo shit you see me relaxing , take yo lazy ass in there and cook something"Wapp said making me put my head down.

I finished cleaning and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner, I took out the steak and put it in vinegar and water and peeled and cut up potatoes and put them into the boiling water. After that I took the onions and peppers out and cut them up.

About 30 minutes later the food was done and I fixed my and Demetrius food, I went into the den and seen him smiling at his phone I cleared my throat as I stood in the doorway.

"Can I help you?" He asked rudely.

"Dinner ready." I said wrapping arm around him helping him into  the wheelchair he was temporarily in.

I pushed him in the dining area and sat him at the end of the table and I went and sat at the other end.

"Soo I been thinking, why not move back in with Tracy?" I asked cutting my steak and eating it.

"Well i'm not, I can't stress my girl out she carrying my child" He said confusedly.

"I know but clearly you don't want to be here so she could come get you , I dont mind but I dont appreciate being yelled at about everything in my house Demetrius I'm tired I can't do this anymore" I said sitting my fork down not looking at him.

Before I knew it, I felt a hard smack to my face and fell to the ground, I looked up and seen Demetrius standing over me while trying to keep his balance on the table.

Not me getting abused by a nigga in a wheelchair.

"I paid for all This Destiny, your ungrateful I do EVERYTHING for you ungrateful bitches and y'all give me y'all ass to kiss but it's ok watch" He said laughing and slowly backing into his chair and rolled out the dining area.

I was terrified at what he may do so I did what I thought would be best, I called Ace and he answered on the second ring.

"Yoo wassup sis"

"Come get yo friend before he kills me and i kill him please" I Said whispering.

"What's going on what happened" He asked with shuffling noise in the background.

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