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At the therapist office

"So Destiny did you approach him?"She asked me writing in her note pad.

I had barged in her office about 20 minutes ago in tears luckily she was just ending her other appointment, i was cutting into her lunch but she didnt care she seen i was in destreess and emmidiatley helped.

"No everybody was there , i couldnt i just left"I told her drying my face.

"Okay , maybe it would be best if you finally confront him about it clear your head and you can get the closure you need"She told me giving her good asss advice "But first you need to tell your brother and Demetrius"She said making me look at her strange.

"Why i gotta tell my baby daddy?
I asked confused "We not together and hes getting married"I said rolling my eyes

"Becasue you lied to him about being a virgin, and he feels as if he's your first everything when he isnt its the right thing for you to do for you and your familly and it explain the reasons you distance your self so much and why you suffer from the depression. Destiny ive been your doctor since you were 12 you've grown into a beautiful young lady and your so smart and talented , how about this bring them all here and i can help you tell them"She told me with a assuring smle

I looke at her with a bright smile , she been helping me since forer and im so glad she's here.

"Okay , my regular appointment is tomorrow at 10 ill make sure they here thank you so much"I told her standing up and shaking her hand.

I got up and walked out her office i decided to finally check my phone and seen I had a missed call from Nuri, I decided today was going to be chill for me no drama or nobody bringing any negativity to me.

Starting my car I drove off to my brunch reservations I had planned for myself, I needed to get away for a while and just take care of me I love my baby to death but it seems like thats all my life revolves around and I can't do it anymore I needed to take care of me.

About 20 minutes later I pulled up to station 89 the best restaurant in california they had the best mimosa that get you fucked up and their French toast is bussing.

When I walked in I was greeted by the host who held the biggest smile ive ever seen.

"Welcome to station 89! Table for two?"She asked still smiling making me smile back.

"Just one babe"I told her then following her outside by the beach.

"Here you ma'am can I start you with something to drink?"She asked all hyper

"Ya bring bring a pitcher of mimosa for me darling also, i'll be getting the steak tips eggs no cheese, French toast extra powder sugar and fruit with a side of grits."I told her handing her my menu.

She smiled and took the menus walking away , I took this time to take in the scenery it was so nice outside not to hot or cold and I felt good myself.

Being alone brought back a lot of memories some good some bad and today I was getting this bad memories, everything that happened to me was playing over in my head making me stare at nunthing in particular I was trying my hardest not to having a panic attack and it was helping I was singing Brandy "Have you ever" In my head to keep myself calm something my therapist thought me .

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