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Destiny Yuu-Wonn


Layla Alaina Williams


King Williams


Houston Texas

I sat quietly in the booth at the small restaurant, I had a meeting and I was waiting for this person to hurry up so I can get my kids from their nanny.

About 5 minutes later this older lady with silver had walked up to the booth and sat.

"Hello Destiny"She spoke looking at me .

"Hello , Clara how are you?" I spoke politely

"Great , shall we get to business" She said with a small smile.

"Of course , so what makes you special" I asked her folding my hands

"I've killed over 20,000 people and 30,000 families, I worked for the us government for a few years and I was special opp of half of my life trust me iam some you will NEED in your corner"she assured me.

"Oh I did a thorough backround check on you and I loved the results when are you ready to start?" I asked taking out my note pad and pen.

"Today" she told me with a smile

I shook my head agreeing .

"Okay , I'll email u the address and meet your there I have to drop my children to my mom, have a good day Clara" I told her getting up without a word.

I walked to the truck and hopped in the back seat with my kids, I put my head back and took a deep breath processing everything.

I took my kids and dropped my kids off to my mom, It took him about 30 minutes to get to the train station I still didn't want anyone knowing where I was and my mom respected it so she took two flights and and a train to come get my kids.

When we pulled up I grabbed the kids and I grabbed their bags and and walked towards the station , Cane grabbed my bags with a head nod.

"Ohhh my baby"My mom said loudly when she seen me and the kids.

She walked u and kissed my cheeks than grabbed her grand children.

"I will meet you here in 3 weeks for them"I told her holding her hand.

"Okay baby , you take all the time you need these babies need to be in school I got them I promise and I know Demetrius gets them twice out the week."She said with a smile whipping my tear that fell.

"Ok mama thank you I love yall and tell daddy I will call soon"I said pulling her into another hug.

"Bye baby , be safe I love you tooo"She said before walking away.

I took a deep breath and walked back to the truck , I got inside and put on my seat belt and started stroll on instagram for the first time sine I left the states. I had so many notifications that my phone started freezing.

I ended up throwing the phone out the window, I knew they would be able to track me soon as my phone turned on and I didn't want to take any chances.

Since I left ive been investing in stocks and I decided to pursue a new career, it won't be long term and it will be something ill be doing for a while.

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