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Nuri and Ac house

"Karter can you please grab Layla cup" I yelled at him on top of Layla crying.

Karter walked back in the room with her filled with milk and a bowl of dried cereal since that's the only way she'll eat it. He handed the bowl to me and gave Lay her cup, I sat her in her play pin that sat in our den and started cooking some breakfast to take to the hospital for Destiny since she's up there with the baby.

I made pancakes, bacon, eggs, grits, hash browns and sausage, once a finally done Layla had also finished her cereal and cup so she was just chilling watching tv. I decided to take a quick shower while she was quiet.

I went in my walk in closet and found a simple but cute outfit which consisted of a dark blue nike sweat suit, and my white forces I kept my hair in the bonnet since I had my curls pinned up.

When I was finished I picked Layla outfit and lad it out on the bed for her, she had on a cute little black VANS shirt and her black vans. I decided to wrap her hair up since it's not did right now, tt baby bald headed. After I put her ear rings on I grabbed my bad and her bag and headed out the door, I put Layla in her seat than sat Destiny food in the front with me. We headed off in the direction of the hospital which only took a short 19 minutes.

After showing my ID and getting through security I finally made it to Tracey room, she was hooked up to a bunch of wires and her chest was moving heavy up and down. Destiny wasnt in the room but the baby sat in the heated crib next to Tracey bed, i was already holding Layla big ass so I couldn't pick him but he was the cutest baby ever.

I heard the toilet flush and Destiny walked out looking very aggravated making me laugh a little.

"What's wrong sis?" I asked but before she could answer Layla started calling her

"MA MA MA MA" She said smiling hard while clapping her hands .

I handed her to Destiny and watched her get a lot of kisses from her mommy, after all the shit Destiny been through she still remain humble and be a great mommy to her kid.

"So you really go keep this baby?"I asked her sitting down and putting her plate on the small table.

"Girl yes, she left legal documents and all, also if I don't do it I could go to jail for child neglect or the baby can get put in foster care and I don't want that for Lay brother you know so I agreed to HELP Demetrius until Tracey ass wake up, they say she lost a lot of blood when they cut her open and she was allergic to the Anastacia so they had to put her in a coma due to the pressure it was putting on her heart its all sad but god sholl don't like ugly." She told me shaking her head as she sat down and started eating.

'Well just let me know when you need me to watch Layla , you know that's goddy baby" told her making a face at Layla as she ate and laughed.

"Girl keep her for this week so I can get this house together before he come"

"Okayyyy, I gotta get her some more diapers too she ran out , let me send you the picture i took of her outside."I said going in my phone looking for the pic.

After sending the picture we sat and talked for a little while, we had made plans for Kaylen before she goes into labor we have a whole surprise day planned out and I'm sure she will love it. I know lately she hasn't been too good due to the fact that she's in a wheel chair but she is getting better, she found some very expensive physical therapist to help her try to start bac walking again. The man Tim Grainer he had help 1000s of athletes get back on their feet in months after major accidents so she will use him until she can actually walk again.

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