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Thats how long it has been since I seen my kids and dad, I usually don't see my dad but knowing someone kidnapped him and is asking for 8million dollars just not sitting right with me. Well they said 7.9 but I feel like that was too specific because that's exactly what was on one of my offshore accounts so it had to have been someone close to me but still I didn't know who it was.

I was back in Cali but I was staying with Ace and Nuri only because I wasn't sure what I wanted my next move to be. I still haven't decided on if I was going to move back here or go back and finish my life in New York, I honestly felt like just moving to Florida and starting completely cover I'm tired of the same shit.

I was sitting it the den in Ace and Nuri house when there was a knock at the door, I got up and looked out the side window seeing it was a bitch with some blue hair and a round belly. I shook my head and opened the door and she smiled at me making me return the gesture.

"How can I help you sweetie?" I asked leaning on the door frame.

"Umm yes is Karter here?" She asked a little nervous.

I stood up straight and looked at her confused because only Nuri really call him that.

"He's out right now, I can let him know you stopped by love what's your name?"I asked 

"Sapphire" She said than walked away getting in her blue Honda Civic.

I closed the door and locked it and went back and sat on the couch and as if on cue the front door opened and Nuri came in while holding a sleeping Kam and a baby bag with her purse, she looked at me before making her way upstairs.

I rolled my eyes and continued watching the tv, I was bored out my mind I was so ready to catch these mfs so I can have my life back I'm tired of always looking over my shoulder and having to keep my kids from outside.

I had a plan but I honestly didn't trust anybody right now not even my own baby daddy so I called up the one person I knew I could call on.

"Hello" She answered.

"Hey Clara girl how are you" I asked.

"I'm good thank you , how are you?" She said.

"Ehhh could be better, I have a party for us" I said speaking in code.

"Ight bet send me the Lo" She said than we ended the call.

I got up and went upstairs to the room i was staying in, i went to the closet and grabbed my duffle bag sitting it on the bed.

Than I went to the dresser and grabbed my black hoodie and tights, after that i went to take a quick 20-minute shower then got out.

I threw on my black forces and put my hair in a bun, i made sure i had everything in my duffle bad as well as my keys.

I walked downstairs and seen Ace and Demetrius standing at the end og the tairs making me roll my eyes and keep walking.

Demetrius grabbed my arm stopping me making me snatch away slightly and look at him with a mug

Forever Cali LoveWhere stories live. Discover now