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The sun beamed down on me as me and Demetri sat comfortably on the sand at the beach, he decided to surprise me with a nice picnic on the beach. We had food, snacks and wine even tho im not able to drink the gesture wwas amazing. A few weeks had went by and Demetri was still acting the same i tried my best to over look it but i just can't he's changing.. It all started after i got in this wheel chair.

"So, i found more spaces for your salon"He said sipping his wine 

"Im so ready thats literally the only thing im waiting for, i have all my vendors and im interviewing new employees as well"I said bitting into my strawebrry.

"Truu, i ordered all your booths to theyll be ready in 4 weeks so thats all the time we have to find the place and buy it"He told me rubbing my knee.

I did plan on have a big grand opening, i decided it was best to just buy the whole building Demetri wants to open his own barbershop and Destiny was buying her own salon as well she finished school two weeks ago she was basically doing the same thing as me. She was going to have a full blown salon while i will just be having a Nail salon.

"Have you spoke to Destiny and Nuri?"He asked looking concerned.

"Not since we got bubba back when Ace brought him"I said looking a lil sad because i missed my girls.

"ohh truu, they going through it real bad right now shit crazy"He said shaking his head.

"Yaa, what about us tho? When do you want to start planning the wedding"I asked feeling hopeful.

"I was thinking we put a hold on the wedding for a minute just while we get everything together , i love you i dobut we just experienced some tramatic shit and i just wann make sure you have a clear head"He said shurgginh his sholders.

I looked at him confused.

"What? my head is defintley in the right place .. You dont want to get married anymore?"I asked about to cry with my pregnant ass.

"Honestly Kaylen i dont know, i cant keep putting my family in danger with what i do i was thinking about you, paige, and D2 moving to Atlanta when you have her"He said super fast but i heard every word.

"Woooowwwww Demetrius your something else "Was all i said before turning away form him and looking towards the water

"Kaylen...Kaylen..KAYLEN NICOLE RICHARDSON"I hear Dj say but i still ignored him.

I just wasnt in no mood to talk he ruined the whole date with that bull ass shit he holling bout im so mad and hurt , he was literally all into it so now he just dont give a fuck.

I tried getting up forgetting my dumb ass couldnt walk and ended up falling face first in the sand. I was so embaressed and upset and hurt all together, i need a fucking break and to get far away. i didnt even move i just kept my face burried in th sand until Dj pulled up up and picked me up bridal style, i still was crying but i just didnt say anything i just laid in Dj arms while he carried me to the car.

The whole car ride was fairly quiet, the only thing that played was the radio station. It took us about 45 minutes to actually get home due to all the traffic and these non driving all people.

When we pulled up Dj left the car running and came on my side and picked me up and carried me inside. He took me into the bathroom and ran the shower while i took my clothes off it was still a very akward silence.

Once he put me in the tub he walked out the bathroom not saying a word, i seen him come back inside but this time he had pushed my wheel hair in here long with some clothes.

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