The end of it all

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The next day

Nobody POV

Ace, Destiny, Nuri, Wapp, Duke, and India sat around the meeting table, they were sitting quietly until Wapp stood up.

"So y'all know what happened to the fam and it was brutal, don't hate me when I tell y'all this but we have to shift. I got the jet ready last night and y'all passports and everything is already settled."He said than took a deep breath about to speak before he was cut off by India.

"So where we going?" She asked laying on Duke shoulder.

"Atlanta, for now but we might change the Lo soon and with everything happening we gotta make this move, last night we sent the kids to the safe house there with our parents and as far a business me Ace and Duke go stay here for-"He said but I quickly cut him off.

"Wait y'all not going with us ?"Destiny asked standing up.

"Not right now no , we got business to handle y'all go be good i promise and Mike go be with y'all trust me y'all go be safe" Ace spoke up and said.

They talked a little longer about more shit before Destiny got up and walked out the office and went to the bathroom down the hall. She pulled out her phone and dialed Clara number.

"Hello my love" She answered on the first ring.

"Clara how fast can you be in Atlanta?"She asked curiously.

"I can be there tonight i'm in New York"She said back making Destiny smile.

They talked a little more before ending the call and Destiny got ready to walk out only to be pushed back into the bathroom by Demetrius making her roll her eyes and groan.

"You straight?"He asked hovering over her.

She slightly pushed him and rolled her eyes.

"Im fine Demetrius why you like invading my personal space"She said trying to walk out but he blocked the way again.

"Im just checking because i know they still didn't find out what happened to your sister and shit so-"He was saying but she cut him off.

"Okay ima go I dont want to talk about my sister Wapp"She said then finally walked out and went back into the meeting room.

Everyone was still sitting and talking, she went and sat down next to Nuri and sighed with her hands over her face while holding it down with her elbows or her knees as she cried.

Everyone heard her sniffles and put their attention on her, she never looked up from hands tho she was lost, sad and hurt and she was scared. It was starting to seem like her life was starting revolve around violence and it was becoming draining, first her sister than her other sister.

Everyone still stayed quiet as Destiny stood up from her seat and wiped her hands down her face.

"I can't do this shit y'all i'm tired and i got kids to live for, i love y'all so thats why im telling y'all this im leaving but i'm not going to Atlanta im going to New York where my dad them is"She said grabbing her bag.

"So you just go run away from your problems like a child?"Nuri asked facing Destiny.

"Im not im making sure my kids and myself safe, that's my ONLY priority something YOU"She said pointing at Nuri"Wouldn't know anything about!"She said getting upset at the nerves of her.

"Bitch that's by choice if i don't want to have a fucking child i don't have too"Nuri spat back getting up from her seat too.

"Oh you getting up now?"Destiny asked putting her purse back down. "As i said before BITCH i'm doing whats best for my children, ion care how nobody feel bout it ill be back for the funeral"She said before grabbing her bag getting ready to walk out but Nuri spoke again.

"Look at you taking the kids from their dad again and Leaving like a coward"Nuri spoke harshly making her turn on her feet.

"This yo last warning Nuri chill tf out don't worry bout what the fuck me and my babydaddy got going on"She said walking up to her and got in her face but Ace and Demetrius pulled them apart before anything pops off.

"Man y'all chill the fuck out y'all family this shit petty"Ace said looking between the both of them but Destiny wasn't going for it.

She snatched out of Demetrius arms and walked closer to Nuri.

"We done and I mean that shit dont call my mf phone when you abort that fetus either"She said than walked out the room.

Before she could make it to the front door she felt a hard object hit the back of her head she fell to the floor and winced in pain, but she quickly got up controlling her composer holding the back of her head and felt a wet warmness.

She pulled her gun and shot Nuri in her arm catching everyone off guard, she put the gun back in her purse and walked quickly out the door and got in Kobe car. She had texted him earlier so he was just waiting outside in his truck with the kids who she had her mom drop off before she got on the jet.

He quickly pulled off and looked over at her distressed face and felt so bad about everything, he just wanted to be there for her and her kids. With all that was going on he decided to take a small mental health break from music for her and her himself they needed each other and they both knew it.

Everybody time was going to come.

The end

Excuse any mistakes

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