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Destiny 💋

Why you callin' me on the phone?
Why you not at home on time?
You say you're stayin' over your friends
'Cause you got alot on your mind
Now you're swearin' up and down that it ain't me
Still you say that things have changed

So tell me what exactly does it mean
When you say you need your space?
Just don't make no excuses, no, no

Why you gotta lie to me?
Just be a man about it
Baby, you don't gotta lie to me, no
Just be a man about it
If you wanna leave (I can tell you wanna leave), go on now
Just be a man about it
Come and grab your things and go on right now
Just be a man about it
Yeah, yeah, yeah

 The music played softly as I finished typing up my recipes I use to make all the products. Tomorrow was the big grand opening for their new business and I was trying to be completely prepared. Layla was currently with Demetrius getting ready at his place it was his last day with her so he decided to just bring her to the grand opening. Kobe was not able to make it due to the fact that he had a show to do over in Jamaica so I was going with Layla as my date.

I had just finished everything up and decided to make some dinner I was in the mood for a surf and turf so I made some of that. I took out everything that I needed and  got started I cleaned, oiled and seasoned some potatoes than wrapped them in foil placing them in the over, when I was done with that I seasoned my steak and covered it and put it in the fridge.

While the potatoes was cooking I decided to put open clothes and do her hair and make up so I  could take pictures since I was in a good mood. I went with something simple and took a shower after I finished I kept her robe on and did my  hair and makeup and got dressed, once I was finished the oven beeped signaling the potatoes were finished and I took them out.

About 2 1/2 hours later the food was done I was just about to fix my plate and there was a loud bang on my front door my alarm started signaling that someone was trying to put in the code. I looked at my screen that's connected to my ring and saw it was Demetrius holding Layla who was sleeping in her car seat. I went and opened the door, and he barged in looking mad making me look at him confused.

"Umm hello what's wrong its almost 9pm why you got her outside she she's not covered up Demetrius "I said grabbing Layla and went to go lay her down.

When I came back he was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. I went and sat on the couch across from him to see what was was going on.

"Mannn this bitch got my fucked up, I aint want Layla around her ass thats why I brought her and came here"He said angrily.

"What happened?"I asked trying to be nosey.

"Mann you know she due in like two weeks , why she took her ass to fucking Mexico to "vacay" before she had the baby and got fucking pneumonia , now the baby and her life might be in jeopardy now she can't be around nobody and I can't be there when she have my son"He said mad as hell.

"Damn thats crazy, what you go do?"I asked getting up and walking to the kithchen where he followed me too,

"Dont stress bout me , I'm going to stay at my other house the one we'd go to when shit happened at work." He said sitting at the table

He looked a lil hungry I known this bitch ain't feeding home right I fixed both out plates and sat his plate in front of him making him look at me weird.

"Im not trying to kill you I just made a lil extra so here eat" I said sitting down in front of him and sat down.

We both sat and talked and ate 2 plates of food, we were having a good time its like we forgot about everything it was a lovely moment and we both loved every bit of it I haven't seen him smile like this in so long. He's kept his word and kept taking his medicine he wanted to stay on top of it and be a good father to both of his kids and I could be more proud.

"So its late ima head out its going on 2am"He said putting the last dish in the dish washer

"Okay, its kinda late you can sleep in Layla room if you want"I suggested .

"You sure? I know you got a nigga and shit"He said turning around.

"Your fine , plus this MY house where I pay bills and he's out of town we're not seeing eye to eye right now"I said getting up and going to the living room with him behind me.

"Well you wanna talk about it?"He asked sitting next to me on the couch.

"Demetrius" I said looking at him with a slight smirk.

"What ? I ain't say lets fuck I said talk we was always friends before anything you know you can talk to me now" said in all seriousness.

"Okay but you have to do something for me first" I said turning to him.

"What's that?" He said scooting closer to me making me scoot back a little.

"Please talk to Ace them, this lil beef been going on too long and y'all been brothers longer than I been in the picture and tell them about your medical condition they'll understand why what was happening happened just make this shit right ok" I said looking at him with a straight face so he could know I was serious.

"Okay" he said while shaking his head "Now talk."

"Okay we just on two different pages you know like all he care about is music and he try to make it up to me in gifts I had to turn my hall closet into another shoe and purse closet due to all the stuff he's buying me and I tried to explain to him I like to be kept and he not keeping me with the shit he doing and I let him know I won't deal with it again because I did it with you and he got mad saying I keep comparing you to him but that's not even the case I was just trying to make a point and he knows I still love you because I was honest with him about it but he don't care thats why he not here now"I said all in one sentence basically.

"I get it, you can't keep comparing every nigga to me tho if you not ready to move on just let the nigga go clearly he's not even making enough time for you and you don't deserve that because you're a wonderful person and I apologize on my end for traumatizing you I am, but if he not showing you the attention you need than leave specially if youre not happy"He said making me look at him surprised.

"Chile okay, where this Demetrius was when we was together?" I asked smiling at him.

"I was sick Dest and again i'm sorry bout that we can't change the past but we can do better in the future, and I promise you ima be a better man and dad hopefully we can be together again in another life time" He smiled grabbing my hand making me smile.






We spent the whole night talking and laughing we didn't even realize how much we was friends like this is literally my dawg fuck Tracey and how anybody feel we go forever be locked in. Both of us fell into a deep sleep without even knowing it we was cuddled up on the couch.

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