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2 years Later

It's been two years since everyone took the trip to Florida , it was long and tiring but everybody made it out.

Demetrius and Tracey were still going strong, they now had 4 kids (well technically 3) After she had her baby after king she got pregnant again with twins. Tracey still doesn't care about King her only concern is her man and the kids she have now. It was sad but it was now their life, Demetrius did end up leaving the drug game alone and bought two more barber shops and started his own clothing line for him and his kids. Tracey was a stay at home mom she cooked cleaned and did all her wifely duties.

Ace had now found a new love, Sapphire who has his beautiful daughter Karter. Its rare being nammed after your father as a female but they thought it was different. Ace and Sapphire live in a two story family hom in Texas, Ace left the dope game alone as well he wanted to make sure his child is safe and dont have to look over their sholder every time they leave home. They had opened up two rec centers in their neighborhood and made it their business to help the black community. Sapphire was a hairstylist in Texas s she had the most richest people on speeddial who loved helping with their non profiy organization.

Demetri and Kaylen were now settled n their new home in Africa, after everything that had went down the couple felt like it was time for a new start. Africa was the one place they felt was fit for them and their family.Kaylen was one of the best nail techs in Africa amd everyone loved her, her clientel list was very long and she was always booked up. D2 and Paige were now in one of the best schools their, they had decided on holding off on having more kids they just wanted to focus on eachother and their kids.

Nuri Nuri Nuri, she's basically a nonfactor now after coming back from their florida trip she found out Ace gotten Sapphire pregnant. It happened when they were broken up but it still hurt her, the night she found out eveything Kameron their son died of SID in his sleep, it was ruled an accident but everyone know Nuri did it intentionally. She was now strung out on drugs and living on the streets in California, Demetrius does his best to help her but she only smoke up every dollar she recieves.

Destiny was now a top model in New york, she had pictures on billboards all across the country. She was a single mom raising King and Layla alone, it wasnt bad at all and she loved them kids to death. A while ago she did have a long talk with King and letting him know she wasnt his bio mom, he dismissed it and let her know she is mommy no other way around he was now 3 and layla was 4 goign on 5 and they were very smart so they both understood. Being single and in New york had its perks Destiny would hang out on weekend when her mom kept the kids. She bought a big house with a inlaw sweet in the back for her parents, it was the best thing ever in her eyes she loved her village.

India and Duke had two beautiful little girls, they lived in New York same as Destiny. Duke had left the drug game alone and focused on his family and making sure he didnt have a relapse. They owned multiple BBQ joints all across the country and all recipies were written by India , sometimes they would go in just for India to make a dish. Life had took a turn for the better and everyones life seemed as if it was going good since they left the streets.

You can move as far as you want but it doesnt mean your past isn't going to catch up to you..

Hey my babys i hope everyone enjoyed these two books, now let me say this ! This is one of my first ever stories so my story line was probably everywhere and i didnt have as much knowlegde just doing shit but it seems as if everybody liked it so if you all want i will do a book 3 spin off with the children of the book ! itll be a 14 year gap.


King 17

Paige 16

Dj 19

Karter 16

Amelia 16 (India and Duke kids)

Princess 14

Amora 13

Amiyah 13

The last 3 are Tracey kids.

Let me know what yall want and i will serve 💞

The parents will be in the book but they won't have many to any POV it's going to be the kids life now, there will be flash backs of their younger years that were skipped in this book.

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