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Demetrius Aka Wapp

The squad was at the location where Layla was being held, after Wayne the Tech guy pulled up everything he ran a face recognition through all data bases and was able to come up with their address. Layla has been gone for now 12 hours and Destiny was trigger happy she was ready to kill any and everybody who step in her way.

"Okay , i need all my snipers in position and all my reds on feet now surround this hold bulding nobody gets in or outt this building without a bullet yall copy?"Demetrius said in his ear peice

"Copy boss"They all said back.

The red team was now on the groound surrounding the building, they took out everybody they had seen men, women, kids, dogs you nam it it was shoot to kill until Layla is safely in her mothers arms.

"I found the back room I'm approaching"Destiny said over the walking making Wapp eyes get big.

'DESTINY WAIT"He yelled out.

Demetrius ran to the other side of the house but not before he was socked in the face , he didnt even flintch he grabbed his lip and looked at the young boy who stood in front of him. He now looked frightened due to Wapp mean domenor and manly gesture.

"Im sorry sir"The young kid said dropping his gun with wide eyes terrified

'I aint go kill ya, where ya boss at?"He asked pointing the gun to his head.

"His office back there gray door"He pointed while shaking 

"Good looks"He nodded his head at the boy 

Walking away Demetrius turned around and shot the boy in the back of the head. He made sure to always rememeber 'Never leave a witness" So he wasnt taking any chances.

They whole crew walked in the office and seen a baby crib in the middle of the floor, Destiny tried to run up to it but Demetrius pulled her back not trusting the whole set up and he walked up to the crib and Layla wasn't in there, it was a small recorder and he picked it up to listen.

'My wonderful son i want to thank you for this beautiful blessing , like i said before she's my family and she will have my thrown. We probably long gone now im taking her somewhere she will love and one day call hers , shes so chunky thank you again oh and Destiny the next time you or you "sister" disrespect me its going to be more than a accident"

Soon after that the recorder started beeping making everyone eyes get big, Demetrius threw the recorded and demanded everybody run out. Soon as they all made it safely outside the house blew up making them all fly into the wet grass.

Destiny stood up and walked angrily to the truck, Wapp ran up to catch her and grabbed her arm and she jerked away from him and turned looking at him with tears in her eyes.

"Stop crying man"He said trying to hug her but again she pushed him away.

'NO ! NO Demetrius yo crazy ass nasty ass , fat ass stank ass daddy GOT MY FUCKING BABY ! now YOU better find her before i do because she aint go have a granddad and YOU aint go have a daddy play with me if you want to Demetrius i swear to god ill-"She was ranting on before Demetrius cut her off 

"Okay okay i got you ,  but WE are going to find her."He said grabbing her 

At this time the whole gang was in the back listening to everthing they said including India cock blocking ass. They shook their heads agreeing to what he had said , Layla was the baby and they was going to do everything in their poweer to save her.

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