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 Destiny, Nuri, India, and the boys all were in their rental Tahoe entering florida

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Destiny, Nuri, India, and the boys all were in their rental Tahoe entering florida. Their first stop was Jacksonville after talking with Madame they got all the information they needed to fufil their mission Madame sent them all the information needed not wanting to say too too much in public.


The crew sat in the booth at a small diner on the out skirts of town, they didnt want to be seen so they had to be descrete specially since someone was apperantly watching them.

"Man where this lady at , i gotta go get my baby"Nuri said rolling her eyes.

"Relax and dont say that shit in her face because they shoot first and ask questions later" Ace told her sternly making her groan and sit back.

About 15 minutes later Madame entered the restaurant with her bodyguard besides her, she didn't even talk to the receptionist, her whole demeanor screamed BOSS from her hair to her clothes even down to the purse she wore.

About 15 minutes later Madame entered the restaurant with her bodyguard besides her, she didn't even talk to the receptionist, her whole demeanor screamed BOSS from her hair to her clothes even down to the purse she wore

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She sat on the opposite side of the table while her guard stood behind her not looking at anyone.

Destiny got up giving her a long tight hug.

"I got you" Madame whispered in her ear making her smile and sit down.

"Okay as yall know iam Madame, and Your friend Kaylen is not dead, the day you all found them the were drugged with something that caused their hearts to stop for48 hours this was a whole plan they were set up , Destiny they know about your family Fortune and they want it all that's why they took your dad too. They are all alive and being held captive at some stray house in Florida in the middle of no where-"Madame started saying but stopp when Nuri cut her off.

"How are we supposed to even believe you?" Nuri asked making everyone suck they teeth and look at her.

"Young lady when im speaking you keep your mouth SHUT" She said sternly to Nuri making her sit back in her seat again.

"As I was saying, their first stop was Jacksonville memorial , it has to be someone close to you and someone who has access to medicine" Madame spoke.

"Okay , so when should we leave ? are they still in Florida ma'am?"India asked trying to be polite as possible.

"Yall should leave tomorrow they move around a lot y'all don't want to be on a wild goose chase"Madame said than grabbed her purse standing up. "I will see yall around"Madame spoke .

Destiny got up and hugged her again before leaving.

"Watch her"She said whispering in her ear before backing away and leaving.

Destiny signaled for everyone to get up and they did and made there way out the door and going to their separate cars .


Ace pulled into the hotel they were staying in that was 3 blocks from the hospital, after paying for their rooms and getting their keys everyone went to their separate rooms.

Once they were settled everyone went to Noah suit (Destiny brother) to talk about what they were going to do.

"Okay so I got some information, Destiny you have an aunt on your dad side who works there we think thats who provided the medicine. She changed her last name so its no the same as you and your dads"Noah said making everyone look.

"Okay so what auntie gotta do with this?"Nuri asked.

"Well as i said shes family she knows about Destiny money from her dad, she's the one holding them hostage"Noah said

"Bet lets do this shit, but Dest she know your face so we go send India and Nuri in she has a secret name used for the work she do. See thiss not the fitst time she did this shit so i was able to pull some strings."Noah said.

They got togehter and discussed what they were gonna do, so  Wapp and Ace but toghether 4 million in an offshore account but it was flagged so they were going to give her Aunt that money and she would go to jail for fraud. The money was laundered by some higher up people but they not gonna take the fall so she will.

The mission was put on for two days, they couldnt magically just pop up without a plan and get killed.

Everyone was now in their seperate rooms literally the only person who shared a room was India and Duke.

Destiny was laying in bed on facetime with her mom and kids, they had missed each other so much they couldnt wait for this shit to be over.

"Mommy i know but yall been in hiding to long"Destiny said.

"No i want to make sure my glam babies are safe so no we're not coming home until they are dead, i love you and so do your kids and I wouldnt want to put their lives in danger baby" Ma said.

"I  understand" Destiny said

"Alright ima go get them bathe and laid down ill call you later and send pictures" Ma said "I Love you"

I put my phone down and walked to my suitcase and took out my all black roumper and panda donks, afterwards I laid my clothes on the bed and went to the bathroom turning the water  on steaming hot.

I took off my clothes and put my robe on and started my face routine and 20 minutes later i hopped in the shower and washed up.










This was going to be along trip..

Just a filler , I'll be ending this book soon I have 5 more ready to be published so stay on the lookout

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