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"Your honor my client is more than capable of taking care of his child, her mother is abusive verbally and she has a drug dealer boyfriend for god sakes"Demetrius lawyer spoke to the judge.

"Mr.Lawson please call your first witness"The judge spoke.

"I call to the stand Nuri Jones"Lawson spoke making everybody look around.

Nuri walked to the stage with confidence and her held high. She sat comfortably on the stand waited for the lawyer to question her. Demetrius went as far as taking the whole thing to trial they're all just hoping he doesn't use his connections to get full custody of Layla.

"Hello Ms.Jones how long have you known the parents"Lawson asked

"Since high school"She said simply.

"And has Ms. Yuu-Wonn ever been angry or abusive to Layla or Demetrius?"He asked making her a little nervous.

"Not towards Layla no she loves that little girl"She said almost upset.

"So she has been abusive around Layla"He said making Destiny mom jump up.

"OBJECTION"She yelling pointing at the Lawyer while looking at the judge

"Sustained , Lawson get to the point and tread lightly"

"Okay withdrawn, Ms.Jones is it true Destiny put Demetrius out while he was crippled and couldn't tend to himself AND its true that she assaulted my client while Layla sat only 3 steps away"Lawson said while pointing at Demetrius and Stacey.

"Yes but-"She started to say but was cut off

"Isn't it true that Destiny suffers from depression and its likely that Laylas crying can irritate her to the point where she snaps and hits her?"Lawson said making Nuri shaking her head fast.

"Your honor, badgering the witness"Destiny mom said standing up again.

"Sustained, Lawson call your next witness and jury will disregard the last statement made by the Witness and Lawson. Court is adjourned will continue this 9am tomorrow morning."Judge Mathis said

Everybody got up and started going their separate ways, Kobe put Layla and Destiny in the back seat of the Escalade truck and went home. Ace ended up taking Nuri to Starbucks to calm her nerves, Dj went out somewhere and Kaylen went home too. No one really cared about Demetrius due to the fact that he was stooping that low.

Some how they found out about her being on Anti depressions and the Anxiety medication , and int went down hill form there down the the point where she got beat up while being pregnant now their trying to charge her with child endangerment but there really isn't any evidence so Demetrius just putting her through the pain just because he can and everybody hated him for it.

The gang decided to meet up later on during the day to get the papers signed and give the people the money for the build , they needed to start getting the the wiring and plumbing fixed.

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