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Some time later

Sitting in my office i watched the cameras as everybody did their jobs, I didnt book any clients today because i had so much paper work to fill out and do a couple more interviews. Everything has been silent Tracey is still in the hospital and King became really attached to me Layla still be trying to beat his ass every time her dad got him.


There was a knock on my office door i looked at the camera and seen it was my assistance with a worried face.

"Come in"I said looking at my paper work.

"Umm Ma'am there are social workers here asking for you, i tried telling them your busy but they wont leave"She said out of breath.

"Okay give me a second ill be out in minute"I told her going to my hpone.

I text the family gorupchat to let them know to keep they eyes open


CPS here, yall handle yall business

Favorite sis: 10/4

Lay/King Daddy: CLEAN HOUSE

Bro Bro Ace: Already done.

I fixed myself and walked out the office, i seen the lady standing there with a clipboard in her hand standing up straight looking serious. I walked to her with a big smile on my face im glad i decided to actually dress professionally becasue i usually come in here with some shorts and shit.

"Hello are you Destiny?"She asked writing something down

'Yes thats me, what can i do for you ma'am"I asked her polietly.

"I need to speak with you about Tracey"She said with a geniune smile.

"Sure lets go into my office"I said leading her.

We went inside and i told her sit in the chair while i went and sat behind my desk.

"Okay so lets cut to it, Tracey state is not getting any better and from what i know you were left as the guardian of King. A few days ago someone reached out to me about being his biological dad and he would like to do a DNA test and he wants to fight for custody."She told me with the white people smile.

"Wow thats alot to take in, Who is this guy?"I asked being nosey.

"Im sorry i cant tell you that, i only have it in my notes but i cant tell you im sorry."She said with a sad face.

'Well, what i can tell you as a black woman who raised three boys alone make sure your shit together , job, home everything he has a Laywer who fight dirty so be ready. Is it ok if i leave my stuff here and use the rest room?"She said and asked nicely.

"Sure you can use the one in my office"I told her pointing at the door

I looked at her folder and seen she had left some papers out, i looked at the bathrrom to see if she was coming and she wasnt so i picked up the folder and read oveer it. I looked at the name and instantly got upset because what in the actual FUCK, soon i heard the toilet flush and i put the papers back how they were and sat back in my besk.

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