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It's been a few months since the girls had been abducted and held captive, the boys wouldn't let the girls out of there sight especially Ace with Nuri he went to the extent of hiring 24 hour security to be with her when he's not around they were at the peek of their "career" and have made a lot of enemies along the way. 

Most of the niggas that had beef with them were niggas that were envious of them, they would literally do anything to gain the amount of money, power, and respect that Ace, Wapp, Dj, and Duke had. So they had to be extra safe and that meant keeping their families safe as well.

So much shit has happened to the gang over this time as well nobody really was the same as before. Kaylen and Dj are still doing great as ever she's currently 8 moths pregnant with their Daughter Paige, D2 mom has never made an effort to come back into their life and everybody was grateful for it. Kaylen has been suffering a lot as well she's currently paralyzed from the waist down and is now living the rest of her life in a wheel chair , Dj had to make the house accessible for her needs. He moved their master bedroom to the first floor and set up every area in the house to make it easy for her.

Now nobody knows this but Kaylen is suffering from Depression and severe anxiety from the incident, she's able to keep it all bottled inside and dealt with the pain her own way.She started doing yoga classes and she changed the way she ate completely she doesn't even eat meat anymore. Dj had to adjust to the changes as well, Kaylen would make him the dishes she ate without meat and he fell involve so now the whole house doesn't eat any meat or Dairy.

She decided to try to take everything back to normal but nothing was working, she had started back doing nails a month after her recovery. She was bringing in a lot more money , due to her accident a lot of people felt bad for her and all wanted to support her it even came out about her mom is a crack head. But no one knew she was sitting on so much money not even Dj she was terrified to tell him but didn't know why.

She was currently laying in her California King size bed Watching River Dale while waiting for Dj to come with food. Her and the girls grew closer over the time as well they made sure to never go anywhere alone and always be aware of surroundings a little better. 

"BABE IM HOME"Dj yelled from the kitchen.

"BEDROOM" She yelled back pausing the tv.

He walked into the bedroom and seen her laying there effortlessly looking beautiful with her hair in a top bun as she wore silk pink night gown. She didn't have on any makeup only her thick lashes say on her eye lids.

"I got your favorite baby, it's from the vegan restaurant up the road"He said sitting on the edge of the bed pulling every thing out.

"Ouuu what did you gettt"She said clapping her hands like a happy child .

"The salad with apples and pecans like you like, they had this vegan burger too I wanted to try and some more stuff"He said dishing her a plate.

"Thanks"Kaylen said softly.

"Soo, you spoke to Destiny?"Dj asked going to Hulu to find them something to watch.

"Yeah, Wapp giving her a run for her money right now, she called me crying yesterday because he kept bulling her and it pissed me off"Kaylen said rolling her eyes clearly mad.

"Man just stay out the shit, everybody just got back good I aint trynna argue with them niggs right now"Dj said assuring her 

"Yea I know , your child is wearing me out i'm ready for her big ass to come out aint no way she this damn big"Kaylen said rubbing her now full stomach.

"Ya you bet not do that castor oil shit either"He said pointing his finger

She got that idea from Destiny she was going to use it if Layla didn't come out in time but she didn't even get the chance to.

Kaylen and Dj sat and ate their food while watching Law&Order on Hulu, D2 was at Nuri house with Ace out of no where he came inside and just took him out of Kaylen hands and left, he's been gone a week but Ace assured them he's perfectly fine by the pictures of him at the beach, arcade and parks.

"When my boogie coming home?"Kaylen asked while cuddled up with Dj.

"Whenever Karter bring his bad ass back"Dj said laughing.


Dj reached over and grabbed his phone off the night stand and looked at and put it back faced down.


The phone rang again and Dj did the same thing again but this time he smiled before putting his phone back faced down.

Kaylen looked at him weirdly , but shook it off she didn't want to think of it right now she had already had her suspicious before with him staying out late or coming home smelling like cheap whore. She feels like she's not enough for him due to the fact that she was currently in a wheel chair.

"Yo bae the boys called a emergency meeting ima go get dressed"He said getting out of the bed and going to the bathroom.

Curiosity got the best for her and grabbed his phone when she heard him peeing.

She unlocked his phone remember him putting in the code a while ago, she went from app to app trying to find something lastly she clocked the messages she seen the name "D" and clicked on it before the could read anything she heard the toilet flush making her exit out all the apps and and put the phone back down.

Dj walked out of the bathroom, and grabbed his phone with his towel wrapped around him

"Music"He said waving his phone smiling 

He went inside the bathroom and started the shower, 3 minutes has went by and Kaylen didn't hear any music and made her suspicious. The music had started a few seconds later and Kaylen rolled on the other side of the bed and looked out the window.

A lot of shit was on her mind and she was trying to think of everything to clear it. She couldn't smoke or drink she had her friends to talk to but decided against it because they all are already going through a lot.

30 minutes later Dj had came out the bathroom fully dressed and ready to go. He went into the closet and grabbed his shoes and sat on the edge of the bed putting them on.

"Hmm babe you good , where yall heading"Kaylen asked turning on her back.

"Just with the boys, we might go for drinks after the meeting but ima head out before they have my ass love u later"He said walking out the room..

Not a single hug or kiss...





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