New home (Ch. 1)

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A black Jeep pulled up to the steps outside of the house and stopped for a moment before the drivers door opened and out stepped a young male with black hair, and a couple ear piercings.

"So... I guess this is my home?" Aries said and rolled his eyes at his own sentence. He wasn't a fan of the thought of have to live with other people, let alone 11 other people.

But of course, who was dumb enough to decline the request to live in a mansion? Not Aries.

He pulled out the keys that he was given and the little note that came with it.

Dear Aries

Welcome to the zodiacs!

You and 11 other people will be sharing this house so I would hope you all get along well. It's up to you and the rest of the group to decide the room layout, bathrooms, etc.

All the best
-zodiac headquarters

"Zodiac headquarters?" Aries thought as he read over the note one more time. "That's a stupid name.."

He walked up the steps and was about to unlock the door when it was flung open.

"GEMINI I TOLD YOU TO BE CAREFUL WITH THOSE BOXES" A girl yelled to inside the house, yet to notice Aries standing in the doorway.

"Alright, alright! I am" the boy responded as rolled his eyes and walked away. "The nerve of the guy.." the girl said as she sighed and turned away only to make eye contact with Aries.

"Oh, uh hey there" she said awkwardly "hey..." Aries broke eye contact with the tall brunette in front of him.

"And you are?" She asked, "I'm Aries" "Oh!" Her face lit up as she said so and grinned slightly.

" I'm Capricorn, nice to meet you Aries" Aries could only nod his head in return, he wasn't a people person in anyway. Before anything more could be said, Capricorn was distracted once again.

"Gemini for the LAST TIME please stop moving everyone's boxes around" and before Aries knew it, she was gone again to run after whoever Gemini was.

"Ok..." Aries said as he poked his head into the house. It was huge. High ceilings with a beautiful modern light hanging from it, two curved stair cases that lead to the upper floor and shiny marble floors.

"I could get used to this I guess" he grinned and pulled his rather heavy suitcase inside.

"Hey, do you want some help with that?" He found a short girl with pretty brown hair that reached a bit over her shoulders and had slightly faded highlights in it standing sweetly in front of him.

"Are you sure you can carry this? It's pretty heavy..." he hesitated.

"It's worth a try" the girl shrugged her shoulders. "My names Taurus by the way"

"Aries" she smiled and nodded her head before reaching down to attempt to pick up the suitcase.

It's would budge. "My god, what on earth did you pack in here, a brick?!" She exclaimed as she stood up and dusted her hands off.

"HUH? NO!"Aries said slightly embarrassed

" We'll it feels like you did!" Taurus laughed and pointed down at the bag once more.

Aries could feel his face heat up as he became flustered.

"I didn't pack a brick.." he mumbled embarrassed as he turned his head away

Taurus felt a sort of guilt so embarrassing him on his first day, so she chose to change the subject slightly.

"So how are we going to get this upstairs?" Taurus questioned as they both looked terrified by the amount of stairs ahead of them.

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