Rainy day animals (Ch. 20)

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I had just finished my work shift and because the kitchen that I cooked at was only a few blocks away, I thought I could walk there and back today.

I didn't account for the rain though so I walked home in the rain. I was walking along the sidewalk when I heard a whimper from beside me.

"What?" I thought to myself as I glanced over at a cardboard box outside of a store that was labeled with "Free puppies and kittens"

I walked over to the box and glanced over the top. In the box sat one kitten, probably a couple months old, and a puppy about the same age.

"What are you doing here all alone?" I said a knelt down and picked the puppy up with my hands. I knew I couldn't just leave them both out in the rain so I did what any reasonable person would do and picked them both up.

I placed one in the pocket of my sweatpants and the other in my hands. "Just hold in there"I said and started to speed walk home.

I walked inside the door and to my surprise the house was particularly calm. Virgo and Scorpio were sitting on the couch together, Virgos feet resting on Scorpios lap as they made plans for their wedding.

I assumed libra was probably upstairs taking a nap, she seemed to like to do that a lot recently, Pisces was braiding Leo's hair as she made suggestions to Virgo while Taurus was taking pictures of Leo's hair to add to the next catalog they were putting together.

Capricorn was sitting at the dinner table on her laptop, writing something. Probably work. Gemini and Aries were playing poker... I think...

Sagittarius was no where to be seen, probably off training in the gym. And cancer was at work.

"Hey guys" I said and walked into the living room.

"Hey aqua-....IS THAT A PUPPY" Taurus yelled as she almost dropped her phone and ran over to me.

I watched as Leo's head snapped around, almost in a creepy way.

"Mhm, and there this little guy" I said as I handed Taurus the pup and picked up the kitten from my pocket.

Taurus looked like her head was going to blow up, as well as Leo, so I gave her the kitten so she wouldn't make Pisces upset for ruining her head, though she probably wouldn't have minded since she was equally as addicted to the animals.

"Aquarius where on earth did you get them" Virgo said as she closed the wedding magazine she was reading.

"I found them walking home, they need somewhere to stay, so I thought maybe... they could... stay with us?"

"Oh my gosh..." Capricorn said as she walked in to see all the commotion. "Seriously a puppy and kitten?"

"they need a home okay?!"

"But Aquarius, the house is already about to get even more full with the new baby coming, are you sure we can handle this?"

"Yeah, we still have a bit of time until Libra's due, that lots of time for us to get them settled down" I said pleadingly.

"Fine, but your in charge of getting them cleaned up and getting their shots" Capricorn said as she rolled her eyes and walked back to her laptop.

"I will" I said and took the two from the girls, which they weren't impressed, and took them upstairs to clean them up and warm them up.


"So what are we going to name them?" Taurus said as I brought them back downstairs, clean and dry.

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