Fun in the snow (Ch. 10)

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the zodiac house was silent as they all slept away... well except for one particular zodiac.

Libra rubbed her eyes and glanced at the time 5:30am...

"Damn, why am I up this early?" She whispered to herself, trying her best to not wake her boyfriend up from beside her.

She glanced over at the window.


"GEM WAKE UP" she said jumping up and shaking her partially asleep boyfriend.

"Huh...what?" He said rubbing his eyes and looking around frantically.

"ITS... SNOWING" She said bouncing up and down.

"You... woke me up for that?.... Babe it's like 5am... go back to sleep..." he said tiredly.

"How can I go back to sleep when it's SNOWING out?" She rolled  her eyes and shook him again.

"Come on, we have to get up!"

"Noooooo" Gemini said and rolled over.

"Ugh fine... 30 minutes and then we get up?"

"How about 4 hours?" Gemini mumbled and turned back to her

"Two hours but no more" libra said. "You have yourself a deal." He said and the two shook hands in agreement.

"Okay..." Libra huffed and scooted under the covers.

She felt her boyfriends hand grab her shirt and use it to pull her backwards, and into his arms.

"I'm doing this for your own good, incase you didn't realize" Gemini spoke.

"Gem, if your worried I'm mad at you, I'm not. Besides you'll make it up to me right?" libra said.

"Mhm..." Gemini mumbled and fell back asleep again.

"So how'd everyone sleep last night?" Taurus asked as she poured a bowl of cereal.

"It's was okay" Pisces said with a sigh. "Just okay?" Taurus asked back.

"Well someone was talking in his sleep.." she said and rubbed her eyes and glanced at Aries.

"Wait...I WAS?!" He perked up.

"Yup..." she said and ate a spoon full of cereal.

"How about everyone else?" Taurus asked again.

"Eh, it was good" Virgo said with a shrug.

"Pretty good actually." Cancer said happily. Capricorn smiled.

"Gemini, how about you?" She asked, noticing that the boy was particularly and strangely quiet that morning.

"It would have been fine if someone hadn't woken me up at 5:30 in the morning because it was snowing" he said and sent a glance to libra.

"Wait it's SNOWING" Taurus said and practically jumped out of her chair.

"Oh yeah, it good Taurus, you look like-"

"IM FINE" She said loudly and pulled Libra out of her chair.

"Come on we need to go get ready!" She said as Libra began nodding her head frantically and the two raced off to get ready.

"Well, at least now I know where libra gets her enthusiasm for snow from..." Gemini said as he took another bite of his breakfast.

Sagittarius chuckled at Gemini's response, he found himself almost envious of their relationship.

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