Its time to stop (Ch. 34)

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"When your all alone, I'll reach you. When your feeling low, I'll be there too"

"It's time to stop"

"To stop"

"To stop.."


I threw myself forward, panting heavily. Sweat dripped down my forehead, my heart racing.

The room was calm. It's was nice for once.

"Leo! STOP! Just give it backkk" Taurus's whining could be heard from the other side of the close door to my room... our room.

It was late morning, too late even. Too late for me to be in bed still. I then noticed the empty space of the bed beside me.

How did I not notice that before? That no one was there? Why couldn't I be more observant?

So many imperfections overwhelmed me, I could handle them now, it was the new normal for me after all.

That wasn't always the case though.

"80 percent, well done Mr Scorpion"

I was satisfied, happy even... I had worked hours for that grade...but it didn't satisfy me enough.

"90%, very well done ____"

My jaw was clenched. That could have been me, if I had just worked harder...I had to be better...


My name was called, taking me out of what I assumed to be a deep trance of some kind.

"Scorp? You up?" Capricorn said as she poked her head into my room.

"Hm? Yeah I'm up" I said and rubbed my eyes. I should have been up hours ago...

The house was calm, strangely enough. Libra sat sleepily on the living room couch, Celeste placed gently on her lap as she stared blankly at the television.

She looked tired...

Sagittarius was laying on the carpet, his eyes staring soullessly at the ceiling, I could tell he was trying to stay away to badly.

Pisces walked in, baby in her arms... baby?

That wasn't her baby, it was mine... why wasn't I taking care of it... of my son..

"Pi, let me take him" I said suddenly and outstretched my arms.

"Oh.. sure, thanks Scorp" she happily said and handed him to me. I had to do better if I was going to be a good dad...

I held him tightly, as if I was scared that if I held him too loose he would fall away from my grasp.

"Scorp?" Virgo mumbled.

She lay groggily, one eye still closed. Our daughter slept peacefully in her arms on the couch Virgo laid on.

"Hm? Yup?" I said and raised a brow.

"What's wrong? You look.. uneasy.."

"Who me? No I'm fine, there's nothing to worry about"

Virgo seemed sceptical, yet she didn't say anything. Possibly because she feared it would upset me or maybe because she knew. She knew I could never live with myself if one of our friends saw me cry.

It was a state of openness, helplessness. I couldn't afford to show that side of me to anyone ever again.

"Awww Look he's crying" a classmate mocked.

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