Personal circle (Ch. 4)

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I really didn't remember what had happened from previous night, apart from being so scared from that horror movie that I was practically attached to Taurus... wait a minute-



I was on the verge of freaking out as what happened raced through my brain as everyone slowly started to wake up.

Gemini and Libra were fast asleep together, as Libra was laying on his arm, Gemini had slowly awoken but then stopped and lay down again as he spotted Libra.

Pisces had her head leaning again Aries shoulder, who had his head resting on top of hers and Leo curled up at the end of the couch by herself.

Sagittarius was fast asleep in a star fish position on the ground and Capricorn and Aquarius were laying squished back to back.

Virgo and Scorpio were no where to be seen, however I had bigger things so worry about.

Taurus lay gently on my shoulder, sound asleep.

My face grew redder by the minute as I quickly began to try to figure out what to do. "Should I wake her up? Or should I let her sleep?..." I thought but didn't have long to come up with a strategy before Taurus's eyes fluttered open followed by a yawn.

She sat up as our eyes met. "I- uhhhh" I stuttered and began to panic as I scratched the back of my head, avoid eye contact.

She smiled softly at me as I began to get flustered. "Good morning!" She said brightly before getting up, stretching a bit, and waking away.

Of course I continued to sit on the couch, feeling as if my entire brain had a factory reset before I got up and shuffled to the kitchen.

"She was so good at handling awkward situations" I admired to myself."I wish I could be as good as she is at that kind of thing"

Aquarius woke up a couple minutes later and got straight to work at making breakfast. Some of us could see that his face was a little pink as he left the living room.

We all started chatting and getting to know each other more when Pisces walked over to me. "Have you seen Scorpio or Virgo?" She asked nervously.

"Huh? Oh, no I haven't" I said confused. "Maybe try checking their rooms..." she nodded.

"Do you want to come help me find them?" She asked. "Sure" I said with a slight smile.

We decided to go to Virgo's room first.

"Virgooooo" Pisces said knocking frantically on her door before taking a step back.

Virgo answered the door a second later with tired eyes. "Yeah?" She said yawning.

"Breakfast will be ready soon" I said " she smiled weakly and thank us as she followed us down the hallway.

"Do you know where Scorpio is?" I asked as we walked "uh no I don't" she said distantly and looked away.

I gave her a look but soon stoped as I noticed Pisces now saddened eyes.

"Was she upset about Virgo's reaction?" I thought as I watched her closely, but of course not too close... I didn't want to seem like a creep to her.

"Or did she possibly.... No... did she like Scorpio?"

We stopped in front of Scorpios door and I took a deep breath in and out before knocking on his door.


No response. "Huh... that's funny, maybe he's just really tired" I said to the duo as they both looked at each other questionably.

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