Announcements and updates! (A/N)

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Hi everyone! Firstly I'd like to give another huge thank you to the people who continue to give me ideas for chapters. After unintentionally taking a months break from the last update I have decided that I will be coming back and updating a bit more of the book. The plot will begin to change from this point on with all new characters, new drama, and more! The next chapter will be released sometime between 10-11pm (eastern time) today (March 4th). Going back to a regular update schedule will be difficult for me with school and activities taking up majority of my spare time and will be determined later on. For now, estimated time and dates for the release of every new chapter can be found at the bottom of each chapter from now on until a schedule that works well can be figured out.

With the plot expanding and new characters entering the story, such as key characters from a zodiac's childhood, some chapters may be focused mainly on one certain character as the chapters begin taking a deep dive into their pasts. This is a friendly reminder, as said in the overview of this book that there will be mentions of absent parent(s). Chapters that contain this will have warnings at the top for those who are bothered by this topic.

Other warnings will be introduced as well such as sexual harassment, toxic relationships, and PTSD. This has been updated in the overview!

To make up for the MY absence on this platform in updates here is a little sneak peak!


"How... could have this happened.. how could I have let this happen.."

My tears hit the ground.

"There's nothing we could have done, all we can do now is hope for the best"

"This never would have happened... if I never met... her.."

"If I had never let her enter my life, enter our life, things could have..."

I couldn't hold it together anymore. Broken... I felt broken...

As if I was stuck in the constant memory of how this entire mess had started, it played in my head over and over again, it was unbearable.

I wanted it gone.

I wanted to be better, to feel better, I needed to be better. I craved the touch of them with every minute passing by and no hug or touch from those around me could satisfy it.

"This has been going on for too long" I told myself trying to get myself back together.

The hugs from those close to me numbed me. I wanted more then anything, desperately, I wanted to ease into the touch from them and let in the love they had been trying so hard to give me, and yet I was conflicted, shielding myself from something I shouldn't be.

I knew I shouldn't but why? Why was I doing this..? They wanted to help, I knew that, I wanted it. So why was this so hard?

They were my light, my reasoning for existence, without having them by my side I was lost.

Without having them...

"Come back to me... please..."

I collapsed as the darkness swallowed me whole, and this time my one and only light wasn't there to save me...

I... am... lost


Soooooo that's the little sneaky sneaky of what the rest of the book may hold. OBVIOUSLY the book is taking a big jump from a happy-go-lucky vibe to a reality shift of what life is like for some people. The book will not be all sad chapters or ones with one or more warnings/ triggers mentioned and will still maintain a good amount of "normal" chapters in between some chapters. In other words, the book isn't going to change and become some totally different book (I hope) the characters already introduced will remain the same and there will still be little adventures and mood boosters through out the book.

I'm so excited to announce this new chapter of this book and look forward to seeing what you all think about this plot shift!



Next update: 10-11pm ET, March 4th 2023

To the moon and back •a zodiac story•Where stories live. Discover now