Baby talk (Ch. 22)

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It was a little before midnight and most of the signs apparent from Scorpio and Virgo, who were still on their honeymoon had gone off to sleep, except for Capricorn.

She had too much on her mind to silence it and sleep.

You see.... Capricorn was the mother of the signs, not in a literal sense, but she loved and cared for them as if they were her children.

However, she felt the unexplainable urge to take extra care of one particular sign.

What was so special about them? She didn't know. But the more she thought about it the more she began connect the "dots" that wandered her mind.

"Do... I like them?" I thought.

No... there was no way that I liked them, not even a bit.... But then again... that would explain a lot.

I groaned and rubbed my eyes. "I need some fresh air" I thought as I rolled out of bed and wrapped a robe around myself .

I quietly shuffled down the hallway, and toward the French doors at the end of the hallway, which lead to a balcony.

Funny enough, they were already open.

I slowed down my pace as I neared the door before slowly poking my head outside before making immediate eye contact with Gemini.

"Gem? What on earth are you doing out here at this hour?" I asked as I walked over to the oddly quiet sign.

He let out a rather large sigh and leaned against the railing. "Thinking about...Things..."

"Libra?" I asked as I sat down on one of the lounge chairs.

"We'll kind of..."

"Is it about the-"


There was a moment of silence before he groaned.

"F**k... I should be happy right? But I'm not... I'm scared... and not because I don't think Libra will be a good mom, heck she'll be a great mom! But me on the other hand..." gemini suddenly bursted as he slammed his head into his hands.

"How on earth can I be a father when I'm basically a kid myself?" Gemini said as he suddenly sunk to the floor and tucked his legs in.


"I know what your going to say... "Gemini why are you so upset about something so stupid?" And your probably right! But that doesn't help you fact that I don't feel ready..."

I sat up from my spot and walked over to Gemini before crouching down and rubbing his back as he began to weep.

"I'm sorry.." he said as he wiped a tear.

"Don't be... I understand... your really stressed, but trust me gem, if Libra didn't think you were ready to be a dad, she probably would have told you"

He sniffed and looked up at me.

"But... how do I know she's right?"

"There's only one way to find out" I said with a slight smile

Gemini remain silent as he thought about what I said. "I guess your right... thanks Cap..."

He showed a weak smile and sat up slowly. I finally sat down beside him.

"So why are you here?" He asked

"We'll, I came out here to think..."

"About what?"


I remained silent as I continued to sit still.

"I think I like someone... but I don't know if I do"

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