What To expect

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Since this book is being written in 2022 and not like in 2017 Y/n is less cringe.

And what I mean by that is that she's not like an UwU girl and doesn't use the words like "plweaseee 🥺🥺💕" or just act too overly cutesy.

To me, I just find that cringe if you don't and if you are like this I don't mean to offend you. So I'm sorry if I do.

And This is my first fanfic (that is being posted lol) So sorry if you don't take a liking to something in this book.

I will never intend to do is give Y/n an outfit. And no, I don't mean y/n doesn't have clothes. I will let YOU the reader choose her outfits. I want you to have something that your comfy with or something that is your style.

I don't know how often I'll be able to update this book but I will try to update it at least daily.

Also, Y/n does NOT have a tragic background story since y/n has a tragic background story in A LOT of Aphmau fanfics I decided let's give Y/n a normal life 🤠



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