The Boy from the Other Night

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Dantes pov:

"GET OUT DANTE!" Gene yelled at me.
For once I felt scared well not just scared but scared of my own brother.
Gene has never yelled at me like this.
Sure he has yelled at me but it's usually for a silly thing like a prank and it was in a less harsh tone.

I quickly scurried out of his room forgetting to close his door but I didn't want to go back to him I was to scared.


As I was walking away hurriedly I heard the door slam super loud. Like SUPER loud.

What was wrong with him? I want to make sure he's okay because I care for him but I am too scared to face him it's like if he lost the most important thing ever.

This isn't like him.

Y/n's pov:

I knock on my house door my eyes and face still a bit red from crying.

My mother opens the door and I see my dad sitting on the couch. "Dad!?" I smiled. My dad away. My dad was always working in different places and states. He works and fixes power lines for his job and he was out of state and now he's back.

My father stood up from the couch and opened his arms showing an open hug I sprinted towards him. "Dad!" I said.

"Y/n" He smiled at me while I hugged him. "I missed you!" I said. "I missed you too" He responded. My mom walked over to us with a smile.

Until my mom smiles fades away into a concerned one while she examines my face. "Why were you crying dear?" My mom's says. My dad pulls back the hug and looks angry "Did someone make you cry? Was it a boy?!" He said.

I just looked away. "Was it that boy from the other night?" My mom asked I felt myself get nervous as my dad didn't like me going out with boys alone. My fathers eyes widen in surprise "What boy from the other day?" He asked.

"Yes... But don't worry talked about and we kind of began crying in each other's arms..." I said "I'm glad that there is no drama between the both of you, you guys seem to be really good friends and maybe more" She said the last part covering her mouth with one hand.

"Who is the boy from the other night?!" My dad said still confused. "Just one of Y/n's friends" My mom shrugged.

"Can I eat something?" I asked trying change the topic. "You can have a snack because I'm cooking dinner and I don't want you to get full" My mom said. "Okay, thank you" I said.

I walked to the kitchen and sighed its been a long day I thought to myself.

I was getting ready for bed, brushing my hair at my vanity already in my pajamas. (or whatever you like to sleep in) I heard a soft knock at my room door "Come in" I said.

My dad stepped through the door (BUT WHEN Y/NS DAD STEPPED THROUGH THERE WAS NO FLOOR 😱😱 sorry mitski reference lol) and stood next to me.

"Y/n, I want to know something" He said "Okay" I said confused. "That boy, the one apparently from the other night is he your boyfriend?" I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me. "No he's not" I said putting my brush down.

"Oh well, I want to talk to you about you being able to date" I raised an eyebrow this would be the first.

"Your old enough to date boys, or whoever you would like to date. I just want you to be careful though and make good choices" He said smiling "Goodnight Y/n" "Goodnight Dad" I smiled back.


In all honesty, I never even know what's going to happen next in these chapters it all just happens when writing the chapter Itself

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In all honesty, I never even know what's going to happen next in these chapters it all just happens when writing the chapter Itself.

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