Feeling bad

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Uh idk.
Y/n Pov:

Laurence and I have been walking to school together, the last couple of weeks. I love walking on the concrete sidewalk with him. It was just the two of us. I walked out of the house heading to school. Only today I didn't see him. Hm maybe he isn't here yet. I decided to wait and wait ten minutes passed and it was freezing so I couldn't wait any longer and headed to school. I walked in the school and saw Laurence. He was with that new girl.

They were walking side by side off to somewhere. I walked up behind them "Boo!" I said to Laurence. He jumped before huffing and saying "Geez y/n!" I laughed "You do it to me all the time" I gave a cheeky smile.

"Yeah, but still!" He smiled. "Ew! Get a room!" The girl said smiling to Laurence rolled his eyes while I laughed. Once I had laughed her smiled dropped. Feeling now awkward I said my goodbyes and walked off.

Not really. I went around the corner and watched them. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of them. I opened the photo through gallery and looked back at them, but they were gone. I stared at the photo. My brain itching. Suddenly, Kc came up to me with a batch of cookies.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" She asked. I nodded my head faintly. "Yes, why?" She gave me sad eyes, her eyebrows furrowed. "I can tell when somethings wrong with someone." She huffed.

"I swear! I'm fine" I put my hands up smiling. She shrugged, "if you say so, but if you ever need anything reach out to me okay?" I nodded my head. Me and Kc walked off together to the restroom where we found Aphmau separating Lucinda and Katelyn from an argument.

I felt bad.
I left these girls. I left them only for Laurence. I should've been there for everyone. I only talk to Aph, Dante, and Laurence. I hadn't talked to the others for weeks now. "Y/n! Help me!!!" Kc shouted trying to pull Katelyn away from Lucinda and Aph pulling Lucinda way from Katelyn.

I went to go help kc because without a doubt Katelyn is probably the strongest girl in the school. Finally able to pry Katelyn away from Lucinda she calmed down. A bit.

"What were they arguing about?" I asked Aph while looking back and forth between Katelyn and Lucinda. Katelyn made eye contact with me and looked away mad.

Aph told me what they were arguing about. And of course, it was for a dumb reason. After everyone was settled, we walked the bathroom the steam of everyone finally being blown away.



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