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Y/n Pov:

I was laying on my bed and on a call with Aphmau telling her what happened. "Ughhh! This doesn't feel real!" I groaned "Y/n calm down girl it's okay you'll get over this by like tomorrow!" She said trying to calm me down.

"I know I will but right now... I don't know how to deal with it!" I let go of my phone and it dropped on the bed while I slammed my face into my pillow

"Look, in all honesty I don't know how I can really help you but let me know if there's anything but anyway I need to go or else my mom will end me if I'm up any longer" She told me.

"Alright, thank you Aph. Goodnight rest well bye." I said.

"Byeeee!" She said and hung up. I put my headphones on and begin to listen to music. I felt really bored now I didn't know what to do.

I put on my jacket and shoes and went downstairs. "Mom, I'm going on a walk. I won't be out long!" I said walking out and closing the door. And so I walked and walked until I reached the park.

I went up to a bridge that was in the park it had a small creek under the bridge. I loved to come here on nights especially when it's not noisy at the park.

I leaned my arms against the bridge. And listened to the water. I listened to the creek and stared into the water.

I listened for a bit before hearing ringing coming from my phone. I took my phone out from the jacket and looked at the called I.D. it was Laurence. I walked away from the bridge and began to stroll around the park as I answered the phone.

"Hi Laurence" I said.
"Hii Y/n, how are you?" I felt myself smile "I'm doing good what about you?" I asked back. "I'm doing just fine thank you. Anyway whatcha doing?"
"Oh, just taking a walk in the park" I told him.

"Why?" He asked.
"I'm bored and didn't know what else to do" I shrug my shoulders.

"Hm" was what he said in response.
"So what about you what are you
doing?" I asked.
"Eh, not much I just got back from hanging out with Garroth after..." His words drifted away from his sentence.
"Started dating" I finished.
"Yeah" He hummed. I disliked how awkward this call was it wasn't like our other calls we always had something to talk about even if it was dumb.

"So Y/n, I have a question for you" He started. "Go ahead" I said.
"I was wondering if you want hang out on Friday after school?" He stated.
"Sure! Where though?" I questioned.

"Well, I was thinking the town festival that's going to happen. There's going to be lots of food and attractions also games" He said.
"That sounds great! I'll be there!" I smiled even if he couldn't see it. "Alright then, sounds like a plan! Anyway I've got to go so I'll see you tomorrow" He said. "Okay then, bye Laurence!"

"Bye Y/n"


My dearest apologies for not uploading I've been dealing my emotions and families emergencies. Also sorry if this chapter is bad because trust me ik 💀
But thank you for reading it anyway 💕


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