Knight in Shining Armor

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Y/n pov:

I woke up and got myself ready for school brushing my teeth, doing my hair, changing my clothes, the usual.

I walked downstairs only to see my mom and dad putting up our Christmas tree. "Morning mom, dad" I smiled. "Good morning sweetheart!" My mom said.

"Morning" My father said. Then my father went to our closet that was in the living room. He pulled out a box of Christmas decorations. I dramatically gasp "You're going to hang the decorations up without me?!" I said pretending to be hurt.

While my parents looked shocked. "You still want to do that?!" A smile grew on their faces. I was a bit confused onto why I wouldn't want too anymore.

"... Yeah?" They had smiles on their faces like if a kid woke up on Christmas with 100 gifts. "Woo! We thought we would have to do it since your grown up now!"

I playfully rolled my eyes as I stated "Age doesn't change my choices mom" I smiled at her. I checked my phone and saw it was 7:48 am. "I have to get going mom!" I told her. "Would you like me to drive you?" She asked. "Uh no thank you mom I'll be fine I will walk!"

"Alright love you dear! Have a good day!"  "Love you too!" I said walking out the door.

I was walking down the street with one earbud in my ear listening to music just so I hear if anything bad happens. "Y/n! Y/n!" I heard Laurence shout I could tell by his voice. I turned around and waved at him "Good morning, Laurence!" "You're walking to school today? I thought you get dropped off" He questioned.

"I do. But I wanted to walk sometimes it's refreshing to take a walk sometime" I huffed as my breath looked like fog because of the cold.

"I get that. So... Wintertime huh?" He said looking around at the houses that had Christmas inflatables. "Yeah, I love how festive and creative people can be for the holidays" I told him. "You can't forget everyone's ha-" 

"LAURENCE!!" Me and Laurence heard running footsteps coming towards us and we turned around to see Michi from the restaurant. She leaped onto Laurence giving him a hug. "Whoa!" He said taken back in surprise. "Good morning, Laurence!!" She shouted. She glanced at me and turned to me getting off of Laurence "Aren't you the girl from the restaurant?" I nodded my head. "Laurence don't tell you're dating could do so much better with someone like me. Or me instead." She had a stupid evil smile plastered on her face. I scoffed and she heard me. I mean it's not like I wanted to whisper my scoff. 

"Got a problem?" She told me. "What is wrong with me? I'm not dating him but even if I was you shouldn't tell any girl that. You shouldn't make the girl feel any less of herself. And you what?" I took a step closer to her and her body tensed up. "One day you're going to tell that to the wrong person and what happens next is your fate" She rolled her and told Laurence "Let's go Laurence" She grabbed his hand. "I think I'll stay with her" She was furious.

"What! Ugh! Don't talk to me Laurence!" And stormed off. "Maybe it's better if we don't talk at all" he said.

We walked into school and I saw Michi and Ivy giving me a mean glare.  "Michia and Ivy are giving you the death stare" Laurence told me. I turned to him and said "I honestly thought they were looking at the asteroid behind you"

He gave me a unsatisfied look and shook his head.

"The best thing thing I can hope for is that they don't come at me" I sighed.

Laurence had  a stupid smirk on his face and said

   "I'll be your knight in shining armor"


Oh, isn't Selena just so beautiful? ♥︎-----------------------------------------------------------

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Oh, isn't Selena just so beautiful? ♥︎

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