Nothing Ever Happened.

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Y/n pov:

We looked up to see Dante smirking at us

"Look at you lovebirds~"

"Shut up dante!" Laurence and I yelled at him and turned our heads facing the opposite way.

"Geez! Calm down!" Dante said throwing his hands up.

"Did we miss something?" Travis asked as Aphmau and garroth came up to us

"Well, Y/n and L-" Dante

"No Travis don't worry you didn't miss anything and nothing ever happened." I smiled at him.

"Oh okay.." Travis seemed unsure of what I had just said.

Laurence and I were in science together and Laurence was telling me how he had a soccer game today so I decided I would come to see him play.

"So you know how I have a crush on a
Aphamu right?" Laurence asked me

"Uh yeah," I said

"Okay so I asked her earlier today if she wants to come to my game and I'm really hoping she comes," he said

"And what if she doesn't?" I asked him.

"I would probably be a bit unhappy," he said a bit uneasy.

"Oh well if she doesn't show up at least ill be there!" I said trying to cheer him up even if he wasn't that down.

"Yeah, but it won't be the same without her there," He said putting his head down on the desk.

"I get it your right it won't be the same," I said putting my elbow on my desk and putting my hand up to my cheek.

It was English class and Dante was the only person I knew in that class but I never actually talked to him in class even if we sat at the same table.

Outside of the classroom was the only time I actually spoke to him.

"Uh, Dante?"

"Your speaking to me?" Dante faked being shocked.

"Well, I don't have to start the conversation you could too!" I whispered shouted.

"Okay okay, what did you need?"

"So I really want to trust you with this secret okay so you think you can keep it?" I asked seriously.

"Hm I don't know I'm full of secrets and I don't know if I keep anymore"

I began to open my mouth to respond to dante but he beat it to me first.

"If I keep any more secrets I might just let all of them out," he said with a grin on his face.

"Do you want to know or not?" I said in a serious tone.

"Okay okay, what is it?"

"Pinkie promise NOT to tell anyone?" I said raising my pinkie finger up.

Dante reached his pinkie up before saying "Do I get something out of this?"

"Dante!" I shout at him

"Y/n and Dante do you want to explain why you are both talking during my class? You both know that is disrespectful."



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