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Y/n pov:

I was talking to Laurence in the hallway of school when I saw Aphmau and some boy with white hair talking to each other.

"Hey, Laurence who's that with Aphmau?" I asked

"I don't know actually I've never really talked to that boy before but why don't we find out?" Laurence asked

"Well I mean it's-"

"Great let's go!" Laurence said

I'm pretty sure Laurence was jealous that another boy was talking to Aph.

"Hey, Aphmau! Oh, who's this?" Laurence asked pretending he didn't see this boy

"Oh uh, this is Travis! He's my not-alone buddy!" Aphmau said cheerfully

"You're what now?" I questioned

"hi.." Travis mumbled

"Not alone buddy! Basically, we have each other so we are not alone!" Aphmau said

"He's a shy one isn't he?" I asked

"Travis? Yeah he is" Aphmau said

"Adorable," I said with a smile on my face while Travis just blushed.

"Travis! There you are! I was looking for you-" Some blue-haired boy came up to us for Travis

"Heyyyy pretty thing" He winked at me

I turned over to Travis and whispered to him "See that? Now that isn't adorable."

Travis just looked at me and gave me a slight nod.

I just ruffled his hair

"Anyway Travis c'mon it's time," The blue-haired boy said

I looked over to Aphmau with a confused glance and she just shrugged.

It was math class and Laurence and I were chatting.

He was telling about how he has these fangirls here at school and how he has all these girls crushing over him.

"Well there's something you are definitely leaving out," I told him

"Huh? What do you mean?" Laurence gave me a confused look

"You have all these people crushing over you and being adored by them but you don't want to be adored by these people. You want it from Aphmau." I explained to Laurence

"It's quite obvious that you have a thing for her," I told him

"Is it that obvious?" He asked me

"Sadly, yes." I patted his back.

"I think Garroth has a crush on Aphmau too so I'm afraid of me having these feelings for Aph It might end mine and Garroth's friendship," Laurence confessed

"I think you and Garroth should talk it out. Especially since it has to do with the both of you." I said

"Yeah, but what if talking it out starts an argument with him? And he doesn't want to talk to me ever again" Laurence said

"I think you're overthinking it Laurence but even if it does happen it's going to be his loss, not yours okay?"


"What is it, Laurence?" I asked

"Thanks for listening I guess that I just needed to let that out for a while now."

"I'm someone you can always open up to so don't ever be afraid okay? I'm here for you." I smiled at him.

"Okay thank you very much Y/n" he smiled back at me.



It was lunchtime and I was sitting with Travis, Aphmau, Garroth, and Laurence.

"Got room for one more?" The blue-haired boy from earlier showed up at our table

"Actually we do" I smiled at him


"I haven't gotten your name yet what is it?" I asked him

"The names Dante" He lifted my hand and kissed it

I just blushed at his actions.

"Hey, Garroth?"

"Yeah?" Laurence was asking Garroth something

"Can we talk after school?"

I looked up at Laurence and he looked nervous as hell.



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