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Y/n Pov:

It was finally Friday, and man was I ready for the weekend to come. I still needed to talk to Aphmau about my crush on Laurence.

I'm scared that she might take it the wrong way like what if she thinks that I want her to back down from Laurence? Because if she likes Laurence I should be the one to back down.

Obviously, because she was there first so I guess it just wouldn't be fair to her.

As of right now, school hasn't started yet so now I'm waiting for Aph to show up so maybe I can talk to her.

Wait...Should I do it first thing in the morning? Of course not! because who wants to receive news like that in the morning?

Y'know what? I'll do it on the weekend so then if she gets mad at me she won't have to see me for a whole day! But even if she is mad at me after that I'll just have to let her have her time.


I took a deep breath in and out. "So I guess I woke up early for nothing huh?" I mumbled to myself.

I walk into school with the other students hoping the day ends fast so it could be the weekend already.

"Y/n, Y/n" A voice was softly calling out my name. I groaned, slowly opening my eyes and yawning.

"Y/n you fell asleep" Once my eyes were finally open I looked to see Laurence waking me up.

Oh my God.

He looked like an angel from my perspective or like a model.

I felt my face heating up and the next thing I knew I was blushing hard.

"Uh, Y/n are you okay? You look like you have a fever" He said putting a hand on my forehead.

I felt my heat up even more.
My heart beating fast.
Fast enough that it felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest.

"Y/n do you want me to take you to the nurse?" He looked at me his hand still on my forehead.

"No thank you, Laurence I'll be fine" I looked around the room and saw no one in the class but us.

"Don't worry I convinced the math teacher to not let you have detention and class is over." He said winking at me.

"Oh" Was all I said before remembering, "OH SHIT!" Laurence began laughing, "God y/n I'm glad I met you"

I blushed so much at that sentence. "Well, I'll be going...before I'm late next to the next class" I said rubbing the back of my head with a smile plastered on my face.

We gazed into each others eyes. Not looking away it was as if our eyes were glued to each other.

CLASS! "I have to get going now bye Laurence! Love y-" I cut myself off and saw Laurence standing in shock, with a tint of pink and red on his face.

I began running to class "Why did I say that? Why, why, why, why, why?" I said in embarrassment, my hands covering my face.

Why the fuck did I just say that.



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